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Search results

  1. Luke M

    Add array to loop

    Not a problem, just list out the phrase you want Call ChgTxtColor(Range("A25:A100"), "a string of words", 3)
  2. Luke M

    Add array to loop

    Let's make one sub that takes arguments, and then we can call it multiple times. Public Sub MainCall() Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'What are all the things to find? Call ChgTxtColor(Range("A25:A100"), "late", 3) Call ChgTxtColor(Range("A25:A100"), "start", 3) Call...
  3. Luke M


    Can you do a quick test using different browser(s)? If still no go, it'll be helpful to whoever has to make the fix to note Browser (kind and version) Operating System
  4. Luke M


    I believe you can use the magnifying glass symbol in top right of banner now. Clicking on that opened a search field for me.
  5. Luke M

    Adding Expiration Date and Days Left to Expire Problem

    It's misinterpreting your exdate. Try feeding as a serial with day, month, year explicitly called out. exdate = DateSerial(2018, 12, 10) Overall, you might change to this Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim exDate As Date Dim mBox As String Application.Visible = False...
  6. Luke M

    Formula For add nos in a cell

    You have two unique pieces of info in single cell. Don't do that. ;) We could use Text-to-columns to split the data apart, using the "~" and space as delimiters. This will put one piece of info in each cell, and also convert the text to numbers. Then you could easily add the numbers. Or, if...
  7. Luke M

    Data visualization

    Please remember to include links to cross-posts in the future: https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/1074553-data-visualization.html#post5161910
  8. Luke M

    Macro to search text and copy data from multiple columns.

    What particular text are you looking for? Which columns/sheets should be searched? Where should the col 2 and 4 data be copied to?
  9. Luke M

    Bold format in formula

    In short, no. The results of formulas can not have special font formats applied to just part of the result.
  10. Luke M

    Custom Find & Replace

    Understanding the small example, it looks like you don't want to touch any of the items that have a period following the table name. In that case, for each word, I'd first do a find an replace for Find: myWord & "." Replace: "ZZZ." Then, go through and do a find and replace for Find: myWord...
  11. Luke M

    Position of a Value

    Position would be: =(C1-A1)/(B1-A1)
  12. Luke M

    Test thread

    Some sample dashboard pictures
  13. Luke M

    Always hidden tabs ?

    Where would the hyperlink be taking you then, if the sheet is hidden? Wouldn't you just stay on the main sheet? EDIT: Looks like Chihiro understood better.
  14. Luke M

    Extract last n lines from a cell

    You're welcome, and thanks for the 'drink'! :)
  15. Luke M

    Extract last n lines from a cell

    Formula in B2: =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR(10),REPT(" ",999),LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR(10),""))-2),999,999)) Formula does assume there's at least 3 lines. If you need more robustness: =IF(LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR(10),""))>=3, TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR(10),REPT("...
  16. Luke M

    Array Formula CTRL+Shift+Enter Not working

    Don't manually type the curly brackets {} before and after the formula. When you confirm as an array, XL will add those in itself.
  17. Luke M

    When you open the Excel file, you receive the error: "file Error: data may be lost. "

    To clarify to future readers, this link leads to a commercial tool for use on Microsoft Excel. It is NOT designed/built by Microsoft. As the link relates to the topic question, I'll remove the flag for potential spam.
  18. Luke M

    Transpone question

    Try this Sub NewCode() Dim wsDest As Worksheet Dim tb As ListObject Dim c As Range Dim rngList As Range Dim lastRow As Long Dim lastCol As Long Set wsDest = Worksheets("Result") Set tb = Worksheets("List").ListObjects(1) Application.ScreenUpdating =...
  19. Luke M

    Chandoo's Project Mgmt Dashboard-Gantt View

    Hi Brena. If I recall, the tool is setup to use workdays when calculating duration. My guess then is that on the DWG rec'd task, the task is starting sometime before Nov 3, then going the whole week of Nov 3, and then finishing up sometime during the week of Nov 10. Since the resolution at this...
  20. Luke M

    find the longer repetition of 5 from column A

    Confirm as an array using Ctrl+Shift+Enter =MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(A1:A15=5,ROW(A1:A15)),IF(A1:A15=5,0,ROW(A1:A15))))
  21. Luke M

    copy from excel and pasting in word

    First paste into a new, blank sheet (can hit Ctrl+N), so that XL will deal with spreadsheet, and then copy/paste from there into Word.
  22. Luke M

    IF and VLOOK UP

    This part of your formula is odd: =IF($E$5=Details!L:L, ... The IF function doesn't normally compare an entire column to a single cell. XL is interpreting this as compare E5 to the cell in col L at same row formula is in. So, in E11 of Summary sheet, it's looking at L11 on Details sheet (which...
  23. Luke M

    Excel file with maximum number of commands

    That's a pretty odd request, as with over 250 different functions, the combinations you could do of making 64 nested levels is well into the billions. Also, with no real goal, I'm not sure why we would want to go that deep into a nested formula. I suppose a simple one would be to nest 64 SUM...
  24. Luke M

    keep column b equal to column j data and delete rest data

    @Leonardo1234 Please do not make multiple posts about the same question. Stick to your original thread. https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/if-column-c-equal-to-d-then-delete-that-row.39527/
  25. Luke M

    keep column d is greter than column b data and column d is lower than column j data and delete rest

    @Leonardo1234 Please do not make multiple posts about the same question. Stick to your original thread. https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/if-column-c-equal-to-d-then-delete-that-row.39527/