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  1. X

    Expressing a currancy value in words

    Take a look at http://xldynamic.com/source/xld.xlFAQ0004.html
  2. X

    If InStr StartPos, EndPos, ContainsThis, Then Run This Action

    Can you illustrate what you mean with an example or two?
  3. X

    Sparklines for Excel 2003

    As an aside, when you upgrade, insist on 2010, 2007 is a waste of time and energy.
  4. X

    Array Formula should return 1 not 0 when it finds an equal value.

    You need to coerce the True/False values to numbers =SUM(--(A1:A4=A3)) But there is no need for an array formula, you can simply use COUNTIF =COUNTIF(A1:A4,A3)
  5. X


    So it is CF or is it not CF? Your last post made no sense to me.
  6. X


    Select the source range, then click the format painter button (the paintbrush) and select the target range.
  7. X


    Try this array formula =AVERAGE(IF((rng<>MAX(rng))*(rng<>MIN(rng)),rng))
  8. X

    Highlighting Words Appearing Twice In Cell

    How about a UDF Public Function CountDuplicates(rng As Range) As Boolean Dim TextLen As Long Dim WordCount As Long Dim WordLen As Long Dim UniqueWordCount As Long Dim NextWord As String Dim coll As Collection Dim i As Long TextLen = Len(rng.Value) WordCount = TextLen - Len(Replace(rng.Value...
  9. X

    Calculate Data Based On Cell Color

    http://xldynamic.com/source/xld.CFConditions.html shows how to check CF conditions.
  10. X

    hyphens in excells

    Try this =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("-",A2)),LEFT(A2,FIND("-",A2)-1)+FLOOR((RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND("-",A2))-LEFT(A2,FIND("-",A2)-1))/2,1),A2)
  11. X

    macro help

    Private prevCell As Range Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Not prevCell Is Nothing Then If prevCell.Address = "$A$2" Then Call myMacro End If End If Set prevCell = Target End Sub This is worksheet event code. To implement it, select the sheet tab, right...
  12. X

    Compatibility Best Practices

    If you have Excel 2003 as well, it is best to develop and save in 2003, thus ensuring compatibility
  13. X

    mark hidden rows

    Why do you need to unhide them? Do you edit them manually or in code?
  14. X

    Class module usage

    Normally a class module would be used to abstract a specific part of the design. Say for instance that you wanted to create a custom object that would be used throughout your code. You would create a class with all of the required methods and properties, test this within a simple test harness...
  15. X

    Does Excessive Comment Notes In Macro Code Slow Down Speed?

    Mine does select the worksheets, which is unnecessary. So, what does it do?
  16. X

    Does Excessive Comment Notes In Macro Code Slow Down Speed?

    This will be quicker still Sub CLEAN() Dim xLong As Long, csht As Long Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False With ActiveWorkbook For csht = 1 To .Worksheets.Count With .Worksheets(csht).UsedRange xLong =...
  17. X

    SQL Statement Using Input Box Value as Variable

    Maybe the code didn't come out too well, it should be Equals single quote single quote double quotes. Us APPL-ID text or numeric?
  18. X

    SQL Statement Using Input Box Value as Variable

    Dim Appl_ID Appl_ID = Inputbox ("Please enter the Appl_ID") rst.Open "Select * From Table1 where [Table1].[APPL_ID] = ''", cnt
  19. X

    SUMIF and other formula

    Isn't it just =IF(CTS!H2:DO2=Invoicing Total!C4,SUM(CTS!H3:DO200 ),0)
  20. X

    Speed up / simplify this Excel formula

    Create another named range called countries with this data Australia AU Canada CA France FR Germany DE United Kingdom UK United States US and use =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(fl,INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(countryLink,countries,2,FALSE)&"pp"),2,FALSE)),""...
  21. X


    Another try =IF(SUM(A1:F1),SUM(A1:F1),IF(COUNTIF(A1:F1,"A"),"A",IF(COUNTIF(A1:F1,"V"),"V","")))
  22. X


    Try =IF(COUNTIF(A1:F1,"A"),"A",IF(COUNTIF(A1:F1,"V"),"V",SUM(A1:F1)))
  23. X

    Total Hour Calculation

    The problem is that M46 is trying to sum text values, change M14 (and the rest) to =IF(B14="",B14,IF(B14>0,--"10:00"))