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Search results

  1. X

    Worksheet_onload : Need VBA

    You can't auto-enable macros, that would be a rather large hole in security if you could.
  2. X


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target.Locked = True End Sub
  3. X

    Change in Time Format

    With ActiveCell .Value = TimeSerial(Mid$(.Value, 12, 2), Mid$(.Value, 15, 2), Mid$(.Value, 18, 2)) .NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" End With
  4. X

    Need Simple VBA

    Sorry, mis-read it a bit Dim sh As Worksheet Dim dirName As String Set sh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") dirName = sh.Range("A2").Value MkDir dirName Worksheets("ANYTHING").Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs CurDir & "" & dirName & "" &...
  5. X

    How to pick latest date and Last date from the list

    =MAX(A1:A4) and =MIN(A1:A4)
  6. X

    Need Simple VBA

    Try this Dim sh As Worksheet Dim dirName As String Set sh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet6") dirName = sh.Range("A2").Value MkDir dirName Worksheets("Sheet2").Copy With ActiveWorkbook .Worksheets(1).Name = .Worksheets(1).Range("A2").Value .SaveAs CurDir &...
  7. X

    VBA Editor annoyance: always opens a project that I never want to edit.

    Is that a Sparklines addin? If you don't need it, uninstall it?
  8. X

    Database or Excel Workbook?

    You haven't exceeded the limits of Excel, but your RAM is severely limiting, and 47K+x129 columns rows is a lot to process. Probably best to drop it into Access, you can still pivot an Access database.
  9. X

    InputBox looping questions

    Far too many loops and MsgBoxs Do Acct = Application.InputBox("What is the lead account in the relationship?") Range("B3").Value = Acct If IsError(Range("C5").Value) Then ans = MsgBox("Is this account correct? " & Acct, vbYesNo) If ans = vbYes Then...
  10. X

    Date and reminder in excel

    Use conditional formatting. See http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.CF.html#due
  11. X

    Wingdings 2 Ticks and crosses

    Here you are, a very simple example http://cjoint.com/?AJhkZ0socOK
  12. X

    Wingdings 2 Ticks and crosses

    Have the Y and N as the choice, and a formula that says =IF(cell="Y","R","S") formatted as Windings somewhere, then use the camera to take a picture which you overlay onto the Y/N cell.
  13. X

    Moving on from Excel 2003

    BTW, seeing fred mention that he has 2007. 2010 is a vast improvement upon 2007, if you have the choice and you do decide to upgrade, give 2007 a wide berth.
  14. X

    Moving on from Excel 2003

    Surely, you need to do your analysis. What does 2010 do that 2003 doesn't do (and be realistic, aside from a the bling, 2003 still does 99% of the job). Then once you know what 2010 offers, critically analyse which of those you need (NEED, not want), and those that might be useful even if you...
  15. X

    Addition to macro code

    Air code Dim fso As Object Dim fldr As Object Dim file As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") Set fldr = fso.getFolder("C:test") For Each file In fldr.Files Workbooks.Open file.Path 'do your stuff ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close Next file
  16. X

    Formatting (Custom?)

    Use a n umber format of 0/??
  17. X

    How to fix Date format in VBA

    Why? A date is a date is a date. As long as it is a valid date, what you see is just a presentation layer above the real value.
  18. X

    Array formula problem

    Try this =SUM(IF(([@Date]+1>=[Period Start])*([@Date]<[Period End]),IF(([@Date]+1)<[Period End],[@Date]+1,[Period End])-IF([@Date]>[Period Start],[@Date],[Period Start]),0))
  19. X

    Array formula problem

    Don't array enter it.
  20. X

    sumproduct help needed

    You don't show the relationship between the source and target data. SP is for summing, not listing.
  21. X


    Can you use a meaningful subject rather than just inputting your title/name.
  22. X

    Excel Discounting Help

    What s wrong with F13: =G3 and format as a percentage
  23. X

    formula to check overlapping dates where 2 houses are avail for rent

    Depends upon whether FALSE means it is an invalid booking, or whether TRUE does. If I have it the wrong way around, it can be reveres simply =SUMPRODUCT(($A2<$B$2:$B$11+1)*($B2>$A$2:$A$11-1))<3 Your formula kicks out row 4 because of the b when house a is empty, manually...
  24. X

    formula to check overlapping dates where 2 houses are avail for rent

    Did you try =SUMPRODUCT(($A2<$B$2:$B$11+1)*($B2>$A$2:$A$11-1))>=3
  25. X

    formula to check overlapping dates where 2 houses are avail for rent

    Does this do it? =SUMPRODUCT(($A8<$B$2:$B$11+1)*($B8>$A$2:$A$11-1))>=3