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Search results

  1. r1c1

    Forum Software Upgrade [Done]

    @all.. One of the new features of 1.2.x is that it offers responsive design & support for iOS / Android rendering. This might have caused the change in post editor. I will investigate plugins that can help people copy paste Excel ranges with ease.
  2. r1c1

    Forum Software Upgrade [Done]

    And we are done... Back online now :)
  3. r1c1

    Forum Software Upgrade [Done]

    Hi all, I am doing a minor software upgrade for the forum. This will cause downtime of approximately 15 minutes. Stay tuned.
  4. r1c1

    PM templates - documentation???

    Can you email chandoo.d@gmail.com. We have a WIP documentation. I can send it to you.
  5. r1c1

    Hoshin Kanri

    Oh well, advanced Japanese course will happen first I complete my "basic Spanish sarcasm" course ;)
  6. r1c1


    You write a whole book about lookup formulas and people hung up about the bad monkey joke in page 1 :P But again, thanks for letting me know that I need new jokes. I will keep my eyes open and probably use the monkeys for something else.
  7. r1c1

    Dashboard with multiple criteria and ALL

    If you are using SUMIFS / COUNTIFS to summarize the data in the dashboard, you can use "*" whenever user selects ALL. This will work very easily. If you want finer control, I suggest using Pivot tables to generate the totals / summaries on the dashboard and setting up slicers for various...
  8. r1c1

    prevent duplicate with condition

    Hi Vincy, When you copy paste data, data validation does not work. It can only work, when you are typing data.
  9. r1c1

    Congratulations Luke M: 5,000 posts!

    Congratulations Luke... this is a fantastic achievement :)
  10. r1c1

    How can I reufund my money?

    Hi Lujota, What is your actual name? I could not locate any emails from Lujota in our inbox? You can private message me. Sorry for missing the emails.
  11. r1c1

    Congratulations Hui on becoming an Excel MVP!

    Did you not receive it yet? damn those courier people... Congratulations once again btw...
  12. r1c1

    Upgraded forums - Old VBA codes & formula handling

    Thanks for the discussion and sharing it with us SirJB... Let me ask my web site admin about some of these and see how we can quickly fix. Regarding mass redirection, I have investigated and found that it would drastically slow down our servers. Since we have more than 15000 old links, one...
  13. r1c1

    Off topic

    try Leechblock...
  14. r1c1

    Checkbox like a hotel website

    Why not use Advanced Filters? or If you have Excel 2013, set up your data as table and use slicers. Both options are very easy to set up and work very well. See: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/10/10/how-to-use-advanced-filters/ or http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/12/08/dynamic-dashboard-video-tutorial/
  15. r1c1

    3d Maze in Excel

    This is amazing stuff Jordan. I am looking for rest of the episodes. PS: Don't look in a maze for my hair. You can come to my office, there are thousands of strands all over the floor :)
  16. r1c1

    Upgraded forums - Old VBA codes & formula handling

    Thanks for bringing this to attention. I wanted to have an automated solution for old links -> new links problem. But due to the new forum structure we have a threadID at the end of each thread. And doing automatic conversion seemed like a problem. I will investigate this further and let you...
  17. r1c1

    Using Conditional Formatting to Show Errors

    To keep it really simple, Select the entire range where errors may occur Go to CF > New rule Write =ISERROR(A1) (relative reference) Set up the color. Click ok and close Done!
  18. r1c1

    Little Law implementation on Queue Chart

    +1. Please do :)
  19. r1c1

    Happy birthday Sir Luke !

    Many happy returns of the day Luke. May you grow even wiser, healthier, happier and richer with each passing year :)
  20. r1c1

    Help, help. I've been sucked into the grid.

    Virtual Chandoo? pixelated avatar? Is this new forum software susceptible to highly intelligent alien spam? If Excel is too slow, I suggest you to migrate to PowerPoint or Word. They will teach you patience :P
  21. r1c1

    "Moving Average" | Averaging every 12 cells

    If you just need average of every 12 cells (ie one average for cells 1-12, next average for 13-24...), then you can also use Pivot tables. First in your data, add an extra column. Fill it with twelve 1s, twelve 2s, twelve 3s... You can do this with below formula: =INT(ROWS($A$1:A1)/12)+1...
  22. r1c1

    Forum Migration Freezing on 23AUG2013 [IMPORTANT]

    The migration is complete now. Closing this thread.
  23. r1c1

    Couple of Points

    There is another link that can show all recent threads in one page. http://chandoo.org/forum/find-new/1053/threads I will add this to menu so that we all can access newest threads quickly.
  24. r1c1

    Navigation from "Home"

    Somehow you are using our site's mobile theme. Scroll all the way down and choose "Desktop version". This should fix the issue.
  25. r1c1

    Love the new forum

    Well, it is enabled now. I have disabled it as it can take up some server resources. Lets see if my assumption is true :)