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  1. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    ok, thaks, will try both
  2. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    dan_I, and how to use that?
  3. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    Hui, thanks but the thing is to do it without these dummy rows. is there no way to do it? since it's only a sample table, i think it doesnt really matter how many spaces there are, but thanks)
  4. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    Hui, thanks, here is the file http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24599191/sample_pivot.xlsx so what i want is that a pivot based on the data on sheet "projects" had the layout I have on sheet "Outlook". as you can see, the pivot I got skips rows with zero values, but I want the layout to be...
  5. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    Hi! i've made a sample excel file, but dont know how to post it here.
  6. M

    Keep pivot table structure stable

    Hi all excel experts, I'm a fan of excel and pivot tables but right now I can't solve one problem with keeping the structure of a pivot stable even after data updates. So the thing is, I have a set of data (pipeline) and some predefined pivot tables. one of them shows data by product groups...