I tried using this function in sheet #2:
and had it check those against the values in sheet #1. All I got was a "FALSE" error in sheet #2. Did I use too wide of a search, should I have just used the values in cells E and F to check...
Here are portions of the two spreadsheets I am working with:
#1 -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am9qgILQvLEedFlKMV9kNVduZHRnaFQ5Q3NaOFVPbUE&usp=sharing
#2 -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am9qgILQvLEedDVEdlY3SmgyZ0E0UG15RG5zLWotcUE&usp=sharing
#1 has the...
I was a bit hasty when I said I found my answer. I tried using the VLookup function that PK suggested, but it never worked, no matter how I arranged the equation. So, I searched on the forums as you suggested, SirJB7, and I found info about the Match and SumProduct functions, which appeared to...
PK, will this make it possible to compare both spreadsheets to find matching players in both spreadsheets then move the unmatched players out of the sheets? Thanks.
Thanks PK. Here is the link for the sample worksheet:
The ranges from cells Z to CC are the ranges that will be changed from one spreadsheet to the other.
I have two spreadsheets with similar data. The first spreadsheet has close to 7500 entries while the second spreadsheet has close to 19,000 entries. Both spreadsheets have data concerning baseball players (bio details, measurements, baseball stats, etc.), but I need to transfer certain...