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Search results

  1. J

    how to calculate ..

    Thank you, Jaefo
  2. J

    how to calculate ..

    Hi Kaushik, I just wonder if I create some spreadsheets that include several workbooks that interact with each other using VBA how could one put a price on it. Thanks, Jaefo
  3. J

    how to calculate ..

    I was wondering how to calculate how much is a project worth? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Jaefo
  4. J

    silly question. How to change the green character?

    Yes, Thank you. jaefo
  5. J

    silly question. How to change the green character?

    I know this does not have anything to do wdith excel, but how do I change the green character that appear when I make a question? Thank you
  6. J

    how to estimate

    I would like to know how can i estimate the amount of time it would take me to complete a project. Is there some sort of formula or guidelines? jaefo
  7. J

    How to add non adjacent cells?

    Thank you so much Anupagarwal06 I works! :)
  8. J

    How to add non adjacent cells?

    Hi Anupagarwal06, I tried your code, The (i) is because I have several sheets in the workbooks and I needed the transfer to occur from sheet1 sales to sheet1 report and so on. So when I copied it I substitute the 1 for the i,but I get a subscript out of range error message. I do not know...
  9. J

    How to add non adjacent cells?

    Hi, I have a question on how to add non adjacent cells. What I am trying to do is transfer a cell value to a location in the same sheet and then adding (3) cells and place the result in another cell same sheet. This is what I wrote but gives me a syntax error...