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  1. N

    Need offset in Match / index function

    Hi and Welcome Andreas, Try this: =MATCH('andreas',INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("B",ROW(OFFSET(B1,2,)),":F10")),0) You can change the "2" Value in the offset to the increment you want, or point it to a value in a range. Regards
  2. N

    Need some VBA Help

    Almost there! I had to change my approach a bit with the whole stepping through the array since that wasn't the cause of one of my dilemnas. Instead, I switched the Dim vOldVal() to Dim vOldVal and removed the array initialization, then added a check to see if more than 1 cell was chosen and...
  3. N

    Need some VBA Help

    Also to add another point to the problem: -If I click on a cell and try to copy it down (use the + symbol of the selected cell), it will only show the first value in the Log. Actually, I think this may still cause an error to come up. Needs to be tested with above code. - I haven't tried it...
  4. N

    Need some VBA Help

    Hi again, The code you posted above worked great when modifying single cells, but didn't not capture the old value of a range of cells properly. I've made the following changes (More comments below code snippet): :: In ThisWorkbook : Option Explicit Option Base 1 'Nacky: Added this to...
  5. N

    Need some VBA Help

    Hi Luke, Thanks for the quick reply, that looks a lot like what I wanted to do. I'll give it a shot when I go in to work tomorrow. I'll let ya know how it works out :-) Nacky
  6. N

    Need some VBA Help

    Hi all, I created a test workbook so I can work on a way to capture and record user activity in my workbooks, and record any changes made into a log.txt file, and then email the log file to me. We've recently had problems with workbooks being modified without proper authorization so I...
  7. N

    Idea: Conditional Formating activating alert box.

    Sure you can email me at: Nackyk_@_live.ca Remove the underscores, just there so bots don't spam me.
  8. N

    Idea: Conditional Formating activating alert box.

    Hiya SirJB7, So, I made my own as well, and like you, I found the pop-up rather annoying!!! :) Can't download or upload to storage websites unfortunately from work, but what I did was; Wrote a Worksheet_Calculate event subroutine. So after the DB is refreshed and it calculates the...
  9. N

    Idea: Conditional Formating activating alert box.

    Using conditional formating to highlight a cell is what I currently use. I wanted a way for a user to work in a spreadsheet while the Data source Sheet is quietly updating in the background and informing the user if a trigger goes off. The dilemna of having multiple alerts spam the user can be...
  10. N

    Idea: Conditional Formating activating alert box.

    Hi everyone, So I had an idea, and for argument's sake I'll use product pricing to elaborate on it. -Say you got 6 Columns (A -> Product Name, B-> Date/Time, C-> Price, D-> 1st Formula, E-> 2nd Formula, F -> Check Formula) - Columns A,B,C are just standard data, no...
  11. N

    MODE() Array formula.

    I can't upload the sample file to a sharing website from work. I'll email it to myself and do it once I get home.. Notice: Sample File will have Automatic Calculations off. Data sheet has 50k rows of Data (1 months Data, Randomized as suggested)
  12. N


    What SirJB7 is telling you is In Cell C2 type the following formula (I added Month() so you can understand it better). =IF(AND(MONTH($A2)<=MONTH(C$1),MONTH($B2)>=MONTH(C$1)),1,"") Now copy that formula in your Table (From C2 to H4). Regards.
  13. N

    MODE() Array formula.

    Hi SirJB7, The Data sheet pulls from a database. The database information I coded in VBA and pulled via a simple .copyfromrecordset command. To expand and answer your questions: - Data rows can be from anywhere between 100 and 50k (Depending on Range of Days requested by user input). -...
  14. N

    MODE() Array formula.

    Hi, I have the following array formula: {=IF($BK30=0,0,IF(ISERROR(MODE(IF('LASTPRICE!$C$1:$C$50000=$BF30,'LASTPRICE'!$G$1:$G$50000))),AVERAGE(IF('LASTPRICE'!$C$1:$C$50000=$BF30,'LASTPRICE'!$G$1:$G$50000)),MODE(IF('LASTPRICE'!$C$1:$C$50000=$BF30,'LASTPRICE'!$G$1:$G$50000))))} What it does...