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Search results

  1. S

    Need formula help! If/Sum/SumIf.

    I have. I didn't even think about that and now I feel ridiculous...but it did the trick. Thanks!
  2. S

    Need formula help! If/Sum/SumIf.

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to create a formula that gives me the following: "Where this date appears in column D, sum the values within columns E-G of the same row" (rough example below). How would I do this? D E F G 2/7/2013 4...
  3. S

    Excel 2013 "400" Macro Error Help Needed

    @narayank991 - No, it does not complete any worksheets. @rumshar - I have no hidden sheets. I will try both of your suggestiosn and hope for the best.
  4. S

    Excel 2013 "400" Macro Error Help Needed

    I don't believe so. I am using formulas and conditional formatting within tables, but nothing beyond that.
  5. S

    Excel 2013 "400" Macro Error Help Needed

    Hello, I am using the following Macro in Excel 2013 and receiving an error message that simply says "400" and prevents the macro from adjusting my margins appropriately. Does someone know what is causing the problem? Thanks in advance for the help! Sub Column_Widths() Dim i As Integer Dim...
  6. S

    Can't Make Column 300 Pixels Wide [SOLVED]

    Oh man, I've been had! Thanks guys. It gave me a good laugh once I realized it.
  7. S

    Can't Make Column 300 Pixels Wide [SOLVED]

    Step 5 from the following page instructs me to make the column exactly 300 pixels wide. Unfortunately, there appears to be a width limit of 255 pixels. Am I doing something wrong? P.S. - I am using Excel 2010. http://chandoo.org/wp/2013/04/01/unlock-angy-formulas-excel-game/
  8. S

    PowerPivot - Contradictory Duplicate Values Error

    Ok, thank you very much! Also, great job on the website and thank you for the work you have put into it. It is the single most helpful tool I have ever found.
  9. S

    PowerPivot - Contradictory Duplicate Values Error

    When I try to link my linked tables together in PowerPivot, I get the following message: "The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only unique values." This is frustrating because it seems to directly contradict...
  10. S

    Trouble with If Then Macro and Alignment Macro

    Hello, I am trying to do two things: -make cells L3 to L183 appear blank if the given value is "N" -make cells G3 to G183 Left Justified How would I add that to the following macro? **NOTE: All of these cells already have formulas to give me this information, but I still need to alter the...
  11. S

    Should I be using vlookup?

    I already am using the following formula in Column B: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP([@[RelRec From My List]],SherrysIVXlist,1,0)),[@[RelRec From My List]],"") If this formula gives me a value in Column B, I want to take all of those given values and have them populate in a comma separated list. How...
  12. S

    Vlookup/If Problem

    I am trying to reach the 2 following results: If a value appears in this table and in the other table, remove it. If a value appears in this table, but not in the other table, don't remove it. How should I write these formulas?
  13. S

    Borders Missing After Updating to Office2010

    I just updated to Office2010. I have a few tables in Excel that are supposed to have "All Borders", but the border on the bottom of the entered data is not showing up. All of the data has "All Borders" appearing properly, just not the bottom row. I have done everything I can think of. Does...
  14. S

    Way to Lock Column Widths?

    @sgmpatnaik - Here it is: Sub Column_Widths() Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 3 To 29 With Sheets(i) .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 5.57 .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 11.71 .Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 8.86...
  15. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    Solution Found! Sub Column_Widths() Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 3 To 29 With Sheets(i) .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 5.57 .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 11.71 .Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 8.86 .Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 8.86...
  16. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    It now says "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" in reference to Line 6.
  17. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    Running this new one gives me an error message saying, "Compile Error: Invalid Next control variable reference".
  18. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    Yes, it was Line 5.
  19. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    I need sheets 3-29, so I wrote it like this after your suggestion: Sub Column_Widths() Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ws In Sheets(Array("Sheet3", "Sheet4", "Sheet5", "Sheet6", "Sheet7", "Sheet8", "Sheet9", "Sheet10", "Sheet11", "Sheet12", "Sheet13"...
  20. S

    Macro Error Help Needed

    Hello, I am trying to use the following macro to simultaneously format a bunch of tabs and running into problems. Can anybody tell me what is going wrong? Thanks in advance for your help! Sub Column_Widths() ' ' Column_Widths Macro ' ' select the sheets I want &#39...
  21. S

    Way to Lock Column Widths?

    NVM, I wrote a Macro to take care of it.
  22. S

    Way to Lock Column Widths?

    Is there a way to "Lock" the width of specific columns?
  23. S

    Please Help: Compile error: Invalid outside procedure

    I don't know much about vba and am having trouble with this macro. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated. ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("767 DE 1-2 Current Del").Sort.SortFields.Clear Sub PtP_Data() ' ' PtP Data Macro ' ' Columns("C:C").Select...
  24. S

    Too Many Conditional Formats...

    Ok. Thank you both for your help!
  25. S

    Too Many Conditional Formats...

    bobhc: I am trying to only remove some of the CFs of an entire table. Luke M: There are so many CFs per table that doing so would take a very long time. Is there any faster way to do so without clearing all of the CFs?