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  1. V

    trying to create pivot table from vba code

    Thank you very much Mr. Nick for your kind advice. but you know that in excel 2007 macros are not getting recorded. that is why i am trying with VBA Code. i know that i am new to VBA and trying to get some code working for creating pivot tables. For your information i want to tell you that i got...
  2. V

    trying to create pivot table from vba code

    runtime error 5 it is giving error invalid procedure call or argument at with pt in your code after Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=Range("Sheet1!F2"), TableName:="PivotTable2") thanks alot for ur help, but still not working. see you tomorrow. bye.
  3. V

    trying to create pivot table from vba code

    Set pt = Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTableWizard(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=Range("Sheet1!A1:C25"), tabledestination:=Range("Sheet1!F2")) hi, on the above line its giving error but it is able to open the videostorerawdata file. its opening that file.
  4. V

    trying to create pivot table from vba code

    hi shrivallabha, thank u very much for help but the following code is giving me run time error 1004 application defined or object defined error. Public Sub CreateCompletePivotTable() Dim wb As Workbook Dim pt As PivotTable 'On Error GoTo errorhandler 'open the workbook. Set wb =...
  5. V

    trying to create pivot table from vba code

    thank you shrivallbha for your help. i have tried your code with quotes its giving me run time error 1004 application defined or object defined error