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  1. S

    Data Validation List Question

    Dear Narayan, Thank you for your suggestion. I managed to use 1 - General Manager, 2 - Manager, etc in the drop down list, then in the vlookup, I use the truncate function to strip take only the numeric value. For eg, =VLOOKUP(C2,A10:H14,LEFT(B2)+3) Cheers Serene
  2. S

    Data Validation List Question

    Hi, I would like to create a drop down list picking data from another sheet in the same workbook. In this field, I only need a numerical value -"1,2,3,4,5" which is needed as a vlookup reference. However, in the drop down list, I would like to display as "1 - General Manager, 2 - Manager...
  3. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    Dear Narayan, Thank you so much for your worksheet! It has helped me understand another way around the problem. Really appreciate your patience, Cheers Serene
  4. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    Dear Faseeh, My apologies for my misunderstanding. I had thought the B2+3 is only for the 3rd following column. Now I understand it is "from" the 3rd following column yes, it is definitely working now. All I can say is that you rock! Best regards Serene
  5. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    Thanks Faseeh for your reply and sample worksheet. To clarify, I wanted the formula to be able to lookup the correct quantum according to the rank. In your formula, "B2+3" is hardcoded to lookup the 3rd column which belongs to Rank 1. But how should I modify this formula to enable automatic...
  6. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    Hi Narayan, My excel is not working in my home PC right now, so I will describe it as: 1. The table of values 0-49 , 50 , 51-69 , 70-89 , 90-100 is in column A , from cells A10 through A15. 2. The headers <Rank 1> through <Rank 5> are in columns B through F , in cells B9 ...
  7. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    Dear Narayan, If Mary is Rank 3 and score is 67, we should look up the row with the value between 51-69, in column Rank 3, the quantum given should be 1.00. Thanks for the patience. Looking forward to you inputs
  8. S

    vLookup based on 2 criteria

    I have 2 tables that have the following fields Table 1) StaffID RankID Score Quantum Mary 1 75 (to be computed) Table 2) <Parameter ><Rank 1><Rank 2><Rank 3><Rank 4> 0-49 5 <0.00> <0.00&#62...
  9. S

    Data Labels (How to Merge two labels into one)

    Hui, thanks for all!
  10. S

    Data Labels (How to Merge two labels into one)

    Hui, you are awesome, it works! Could I ask you another question, how do I preserve the % decimal places in the merged cell Thanks in advance
  11. S

    Data Labels (How to Merge two labels into one)

    Hi Karim Thanks for your response. I realised my question might not have been clear. Yes, I already have the two columns. But I would like to show these two column values into one label. However, the label could only take the value or the percentage but not both. I think I have to create a...
  12. S

    Data Labels (How to Merge two labels into one)

    Hi everyone, I am making a bar graph whereby I need to show the numbers as well as its corresponding percentage. For eg, the Excel Table is From Home 10 50% From School 10 50% In the label, I would like to show as 10 (50%) How should I accomplish this? Thanks...