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  1. I


    Hi! Could anyone help me with this problem? I´m trying to run a code, but I don´t know why when I press F8 to check each step of the code lines, it´s jumping the For Next loop step. I´ll write the code here, and if you see any mistake, please tell me, because I can´t! Ps: The idea of the...
  2. I

    VBA Sum procedure

    Thanks for your pacience! :)
  3. I

    VBA Sum procedure

    Thank you, SirJB7! It´s more complicated that I thought it would be! :)
  4. I

    VBA Sum procedure

    Thank you, SirJB7! I really worked fine... But in fact, i spent hours trying to make a VBA code for this procedure, and I'd like to know if it's possible to make it. Just in terms of learning! Thanks again!
  5. I

    VBA Sum procedure

    Hui, the link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zwkrqj1q1x44wsa/STN%20-%20Resultado%20do%20governo%20central%20%28mensal%29.xls The sheet that i was talking about is called "mensal"... So, i'd like to make a vba code that creates another sheet that in column A plots: cell A1 =...
  6. I

    VBA Sum procedure

    Hi, I have a data table that is in monthly frequency and i'd like to transform it in a quarter frequency (these data are in sheet1). The data starts in B11 cell ... So i'd like to plot in an other sheet (suppose sheet2): cell A1 = sum(sheet1!b11:d11) cell A2 = sum(sheet1!e11:g11) cell A3...