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Search results

  1. J

    Finding closest text

    Thank you all particularly KrishnaKumar and Sajan for excellent solutions. I was in a hurry for the solution and came up with this. =IFERROR(INDEX($M$2:$M$2218,MATCH(SMALL(IF($L$2:$L$2218 = B2,ABS($M$2:$M$2218-C2)),1),IF($L$2:$L$2218 = B2,ABS($M$2:$M$2218-C2)),0))...
  2. J

    Finding closest text

    Any ideas?
  3. J

    Finding closest text

    maint7 will be closest. Column B is basically a concatenated field. It is ordered first on the alphanumeric part for example maint, mainz and vaint. Then it is further ordered on the numeric prt. So maint7 will be above maint49 which will b above maint50 which will be above mainz1 , which will...
  4. J

    Finding closest text

    Can this be done for a text field which is a combination of text and number.? For example I want to search maint5 within maint1 maint7 maint10 vaint2 vaint4.I should get the value maint7 which is closest to maint5. In excel we can assume maint5 is incell a1 and the other value are in cells b1 to...
  5. J

    Finding a closest match of a number

    I did that as an extension of the proble alreadysolved here instead of discussing from the beginning. But I can paste the problem in a new thread.
  6. J

    Finding a closest match of a number

    Can this be done for a text field which is a combination of text and number.? For example I want to search maint5 within maint1 maint7 maint10 vaint2 vaint4.I should get the value maint7 which is closest to maint5. In excel we can assume maint5 is incell a1 and the other value are in cells b1 to...
  7. J

    VBA code works only in debugmode

    It is not showing error on that line. The place sheet23 where the data from the stored procedure is retrieved in, does not get refreshed while the script is running. Only after the script has ended sheet23 gets the new data. I tried putting delay code such as sleep and wait etc. But even after...
  8. J

    VBA code works only in debugmode

    Sub putval() Dim Vol_loc, Price_loc, Multi_loc Dim lsheet As Worksheet Dim Elem_Vol As Double Dim Analysis_Period, Multi_Acct As String Dim Elem_Price As Double Dim Ctr, Vol_Prd_Ctr, OldSheet, NewSheet As Integer With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("RPM_Server").OLEDBConnection .CommandText...
  9. J

    VBA code works only in debugmode

    I connect to sql server and run a stored proc. The output is pulled into worksheet "pullsql". From there using vba code I copy pulled info into other worksheets. When in debug mode all works fine. But in run mode the copy into other worksheets does not happen.