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Search results

  1. G

    Splitting a rows of comma separated values into multiple lines

    That worked perfectly, thanks again JB7..
  2. G

    Splitting a rows of comma separated values into multiple lines

    Hi, I have data in a csv format and multiple lines.. ex: r1c1,r1c2,r1c3,r1c4 r2c1,r2c2,r2c3,r2c4 I am trying to use excel to split it into multiple lines and separating each row of data by an empty line... so the above file would change to: r1c1 r1c2 r1c3 r1c4 r2c1 r2c2 r2c3...
  3. G

    Extract data from a powershell scripts and move it to different worksheets

    Thank you SirJB7.. I would prefer one line per cell I am familiar with bash scripting but not excel scripting, each function would have its own name. I was hoping I could track the number of open brackets and closed brackets to determine end of a function and to move to a new worksheet from...
  4. G

    Extract data from a powershell scripts and move it to different worksheets

    Hi, This may be a VBA operation, I have a 90,000 line config file, which is similar to a c/powershell/code. Ex: function1{ blah{ blah{ } } } function2{ blah{ blah{ } } } function3{ blah{ blah{ } } } function4{ blah{ blah{ } } } I want to move each function to a...