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  1. G

    VBA visible columns aligned in the centre (full screen mode)

    Thanks for clarification So no 3D effect and only shade from side. I agree no point to shade column to imitate background effect. P.S. Let’s see if my next thread will have a solution. :) Thanks again and regards
  2. G

    VBA visible columns aligned in the centre (full screen mode)

    Good people over there. :) Does anyone know if it is possible in full screen mode to align visible columns in the middle of the screen? (Rest of the columns are hidden). In other words like it works in “Word”, in full screen mode under “view options” if you select “Show one page” the page is...
  3. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    DONE Sorry being late guys to reply, but I’m sure it is never late to admit that the code is perfect. King is down - Check Mate. SIR your code works perfectly well so for me your status from Sir has changed to IT GOD. Ok will change my statement little bit. In my opinion IT GOD is top in...
  4. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Hi Sir I confirm you are absolutely right in this schema with minor change for ending condition :) SUM(R19:R27) should always = 1. (when R19, R21, R23, R25 and R27 are unlocked sum of all mentioned cells always equals 1 or in other words 100%) a) B19, B21, B23, B25, B27, R19, R21, R23...
  5. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Hi Sir :) In fact I have changed U10 by U11 prior uploading. When you have time please have a look into the original worksheet. You may see that conditional formatting is working, however cells B23 and R23 remain protected. So U10 and U11 are out of picture. PS1: Like in chess. Your move...
  6. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    What to say whole issue is that I do not see why the code is not functioning. It is not giving any error massage. Even though code is not written in advance manner in principal should be working… Problem is that when R19 + R21 < 1 cells B23 and R23 should be unlocked. Here is the problem in...
  7. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Hi Sir I will follow your advice. In advance not sure if I will manage, but as an optimist person will try. Programming is not my field, but have to make it because have presentation on Monday... and above code is part of it Thanks and if no result will wait helppppppp we all need in this...
  8. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Hi there Thanks for support and help. I rushed to celebrate, the code is partly working... Probably it requires minor adjustment in VBA to make it right. Tried hard but no result... Unfortunately the code stops functioning for raw 23. In other words when following condition is true...
  9. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Hi there I had some cells merged. This was probably the reason macro to look up on above range. Looks it works now. Good base to build my case. Thanks a lot for your help Appriciated :)
  10. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    Thanks a lot. Still getting problem on line [B19, B21, B23, B25, B27, R19, R21, R23, R25, R27].Locked = True Do you know what makes it to fail? Thanks again
  11. G

    VBA target cells values to lock / unlock dependent cells

    I have the following VBA to build for a worksheet which by default is protected. For the following event VBA should be looking for values in specific cells and unprotect related cell: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Case 1 If cell “U10” is 0 then cells “B19”...
  12. G

    SharedControls - code for Custom UI Editor error to fix

    Hi there Thanks for advice. After correction it gives error massage with following description. The element ‘qat’ in namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui has invalid child element ‘SharedControls’ in namespace Any suggestion. The way to fix it? Thanks
  13. G

    SharedControls - code for Custom UI Editor error to fix

    Could you please assist to correct the code? The following code gives the error massage.Any help is highly appreciated. To download Custom UI Editor visit the link http://openxmldeveloper.org/blog/b/openxmldeveloper/archive/2009/08/06/7293.aspx <customUI...
  14. G

    VBA to combine dynamic and fixed ranges to set print area

    I see this is the reference Range("CauseCols").EntireColumn.Hidden = True How to define range for blank rowes between dynamic and fixed ranges. In other words to determine "CauseCols" range Thanks If you help me to fix then VBA comes complete
  15. G

    VBA to combine dynamic and fixed ranges to set print area

    It works but range (“A315:M321”) goes to a new page. Seams there is a page break in between. How to eliminate this part? Thanks a lot and regards
  16. G

    VBA to combine dynamic and fixed ranges to set print area

    Thanks for link, however it works in vertical and in my case I need to set horizontally the print areas. As I mentioned in the table range(“A1:M313”) dynamic range will be changing reaching max row 313. Static range(“A315:M321”) should be added be included after area for dynamic range is set...
  17. G

    VBA to combine dynamic and fixed ranges to set print area

    Could you please help me to combine dynamic range and fixed range in the print area? I used the VBA code to set print area for dynamic range. The table goes from A1 to max M313. In addition I need to add into printing area fixed range(“A315:M321”) Here is the code: Private Sub...
  18. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Here is the link https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4mitJ-SIt9bU2NsUUczWG5uRHc I modified the code and it looks like it is working, but when examining I have noticed that code fails starting from row 19 in “PB” worksheet. It starts jumping between B and C columns Any idea? Possible to...
  19. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Hi Narayan Sure I will upload the file and let you know when done Just give me some time to smoke and to have a coffee otherwise my eyes are like... :) Regards Do you smoke? :)
  20. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Hi Point is that if in any cell of the columns (J, K, M, O, Q,) value is “Nolist”=”” then the cells have to be locked. In the mentioned columns drop down lists are defined based on selected account code in column “C”. If I got it right, setting offset to lock cells in columns for (J, K...
  21. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Dear Narayan Step by step I’m getting closer to my goal but still to go. It is obvious without your contribution it may not work or will take me ages. >) I followed your advice and can confirm that code is working. I tried to copy the same code in the original file but unfortunately it...
  22. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Hi again I copied the code and got the following error massage Application-defined or object-defined error Then I changed code as shown below: Public Sub Lock_cells() Dim data_range As Range Set data_range = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PB").Range("Table3").Resize(, 5)...
  23. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    Protection of inactive cells in column “F” makes sense, because in original file this “PB” worksheet is password protected where “Select locked cells” is deactivated. In other words user only moves from one to another active cell using “Tab” button. In case of “Nolist” it will be great if...
  24. G

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    DONE it is working Amazing, the dropdown list is working. Thanks a lot. I followed your suggestions and edited file accordingly. In worksheet PB I modified suggested formula for column “G” as following...