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  1. A

    VLOOKUP formula doesn't return data in cells when it should

    This is a follow-up to the above issue. I've run into the same issue a number of times since I originally posted. Usually clicking the F2 in the affected cells clears up the issue. Today, that procedure did not give me my desired result. Ultimately, I saved the file to .csv, which worked...
  2. A

    VLOOKUP formula doesn't return data in cells when it should

    Thanks, Kevin. I followed SP's advice to click F2 in column F, and that sorted everything out. Andrew
  3. A

    VLOOKUP formula doesn't return data in cells when it should

    Hi SP, Wonderful. I clicked F2 in column F, and data correctly appeared in column g. Thank you for your help! Regards, Andrew
  4. A

    VLOOKUP formula doesn't return data in cells when it should

    Hi SP. Thank you for your welcome and reply. I need to correct myself: my data is in worksheet2. Per Indian's request above about posting a sample workbook, I revised my spreadsheet to get it ready to post. When I did, now there are some correct values in the formula cells, column G, while...
  5. A

    VLOOKUP formula doesn't return data in cells when it should

    I'm using the following formula to do a VLOOKUP in order to lookup numbers from worksheet1, column F with column A of worksheet2, and then to populate numbers from worksheet2, Column 2 to the active worksheet1's cell with the formula. Every month I have a new Worksheet1, and frequently the...