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Search results

  1. U

    Email active workbook as attachment

    Thanks Prasad , is there a way to temporarily save and delete the file after mail send. I am trying to email a read only user form. Appreciate your help
  2. U

    Email active workbook as attachment

    I am trying to email active workbook via outlook. These are my codes. The email is displayed. however there is no attachment. Could anyone look at my codes and advise what I am missing? Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set...
  3. U

    Split a large 2007 worksheet into smaller tabs of 65000 rows

    Hi SirJB7, thank for your help. I will try.
  4. U

    Split a large 2007 worksheet into smaller tabs of 65000 rows

    Hi I have a sheet with 400000 rows and like to have macro break it into small tabs each with 65000 rows and copy the header in every tabs. can somebody help me please?