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  1. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    Dear Somendra, Is possible to sophisticate solution in this manner: if it identify two given names in the same row which are also in the list, extract just from the first in the text? B.R. Luis
  2. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    Many thanks Somendra for you perfect, clever solution. I also thanks azumi for your help. Best wishes.
  3. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    Yes, of course. Thanks for your promptness.
  4. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    Yes, it worked for this example. But i am sure i wasn't enough clear with you guys. What i mentioned as "text as original" has variable length. So when i dropdown it doesn't work. Example: Distribuidora Gaúcha de Energia José da Silva Filho AES Tietê S/A Carlos José Filho AES Uruguaiana...
  5. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    Hi, I would like to extract a given name and the surname from a text (a column of texts) using to compare a standard list of given names to identification (another column . Example: 1. Text as original Distribuidora Gaúcha de Energia José da Silva Filho 2. Given name and surname i want to...
  6. luis_marques

    Extraction email from a list

    Thanks Luke M and Haseeb. Both solutions worked superb. :DD
  7. luis_marques

    Extraction email from a list

    Hi, I would like to extract email from a list. The list was originally created in PDF (from a outside source which i dont have Word file) and copied it to a Excel workbook. That is a example from the list: In cell A1 the following information altogether separated by comma. I changed the text i...
  8. luis_marques

    Extract from 3 columns [SOLVED]

    Thanks Jeffrey and Narayan. Thats solved my problem. Very clever.
  9. luis_marques

    Extract from 3 columns [SOLVED]

    Hi, My data set looks like this: A B C 1 Joe New York 34 Mike Rio 453 James London I need to mount a column like this in D: D 1 JOE NEW YORK "" 34 Mike Rio "" 453 James London ps: "" is blank Thanks in advance.
  10. luis_marques

    Extracting a part of text in a row [SOLVED]

    What i was looking for Faseeh was precise. Thanks. Also thanks to Marc, Shrivallabha and SirJB7 (you guessed: in fact there was a herd of elephants)
  11. luis_marques

    Extracting a part of text in a row [SOLVED]

    Thanks Marc. It worked out. But i was looking for a formula solution.
  12. luis_marques

    Extracting a part of text in a row [SOLVED]

    Faseeh, the original data is in different rows.
  13. luis_marques

    Extracting a part of text in a row [SOLVED]

    My data set is a row with personal data of students. I would like to extract the name of student, but in this file the name comes together the field name like this: name: John Doe I would like to extract all the names but removing the field name in the column A1. The rows which are blank...
  14. luis_marques

    Extract using formula in different rows by a constant [SOLVED]

    Thanks very much to Hui, Deb, Sajan, but Narajan guess was what i needed. I edited this comment because i made a huge mistake in typing the formula. The formula is completely correct. Thanks Narajan.
  15. luis_marques

    Extract using formula in different rows by a constant [SOLVED]

    Hi, my data set is like this: A1 1 A B C 2 D E F Repeatedly until 18 (the number obeys a constant difference of letters between the lines). Which formula can i use to extract just all the letters right below the number in that column A1?
  16. luis_marques

    Summing 2 Columns and Storing in a Array to Calculate Max

    Many thanks!! Works well and simple!!
  17. luis_marques

    Summing 2 Columns and Storing in a Array to Calculate Max

    Hi, I need to sum 2 columns by each row. I would like a formula to store each sum in array form and right calculate the maximum result beetween array elements. That is the example: B1 C1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 Array formula = (1+2;2+3;1+1;1+1) Max = (5) Thanks in...