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  1. luis_marques

    Change Color Font

    Hi Hui, Thanks.
  2. luis_marques

    Change Color Font

    Hi, How can i change color font according a even or odd row? Example: If row is even = color font is black If row is odd = color font is white Thanks.
  3. luis_marques

    Find and extract from multiple columns

    Thanks bosco_yip. It worked well.
  4. luis_marques

    Find and extract from multiple columns

    Hi Hui, i attached a file with data and desirable extraction in two sheets.
  5. luis_marques

    Find and extract from multiple columns

    Hi, I need to find in which column at symbol (@) is and extract the all the value from the respective cell. Example:
  6. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    Hui, testing the file the counter doesnt activate if i dont save the file. Is possible to count if i open and dont save the woorkbook?
  7. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    Hui Many thanks. I really admire your knowledge. Best regards. Luis
  8. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    Dear Hui, Can i provide further information? Best regards, Luis
  9. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    The first sheet whose name is "Perguntas a responder" is the only one is showed and has a button to generate a report. All sheets are locked, workbook and macro as well. I unlocked for you. Many thanks.
  10. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    Dear Hui, is possible to provide an example of such programming? Thanks in advance. Luis
  11. luis_marques

    Form with limited access

    Hello guys, I have the following problem: 1. One form with 32 questions to assess for a specific purpose that a user can fill. After that he can generate a report pressing a button. All macros and sheets are locked. 2. I need to sell the form for a person or a company. This is a self...
  12. luis_marques

    Extract data in a column

    Many thanks Luke.
  13. luis_marques

    Extract data in a column

    Hi, i need to extract data like is orientated in the attached file. B.R.
  14. luis_marques

    Extract from a row using a conditional like a multiple of the first row

    I made a mistake: is extract from a column based on that condition described above.
  15. luis_marques

    Extract from a row using a conditional like a multiple of the first row

    Hi, I need to extract data from a row based in a condition: that next data is multiple of the first row. Example: A1 Row 1 John Row 2 Mike Row 3 (Blank) Row 4 (Blank) Row 5 Avery Row 6 Gina Row 7 (Blank) Row 8 (Blank) Row...
  16. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    Thanks to your solution. It solved!!! Regards!!!
  17. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    We tried this in the original file. But when i opened in my computer it moved the page break to another row -Computer 1 - Original file: page 1 - break in the 57 row -Computer 2 (mine) - Original file: page 1 - break in the 55 row That is why i thought a macro could adjust it automatically...
  18. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    Dear Hui, Translating the sheets names: -Sheet1 = Diagnóstico -Sheet2= Relatório Thanks in advance, Luis
  19. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    Hi, anyone could help me?
  20. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    Dear Hui, This formula set a range for the first page, but second page ( 58 row until 114 row) and so on the pdf generated doesnt appear anything. Is possible a adjustment? Regards,
  21. luis_marques

    Macro to Adjust Print Area

    Hi Folks, I use the following macro, which is actionable using a button in the sheet 1, to print a hidden sheet 2. The report is printed in PDF extension and the file must be opened. The problem is: when PDF file is generated the print area between the pages of the report in the sheet 2 is...
  22. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    I attached the previous sample with more detailed information. Thanks.
  23. luis_marques

    Extract a name from a text using a standard list of names

    I attached a sample. In the first row there are two given names that in portuguese is considered a given name composed. The formula is reading from the second. I would like to read from the first found. Best regards.