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  1. G

    retrieve and change the cell

    How do i retrieve data and change the cell value. Below is the file link attached for your reference. It shows error when i execute the formula - http://www.adrive.com/public/RSaGSY/vb%20autofilter%20and%20overwrite.xlsm rgds, ganeshm
  2. G

    how do i use this formula without command button

    Hi..... i executed the formula, but it is showing error in the following: .AutoFilter 4, Sheets("Sheet1").Buttons(Application.Caller).Caption i believe that due to command ".buttons" the error arises, is there any solution to that.
  3. G

    how do i use this formula without command button

    thank you luke
  4. G

    how do i use this formula without command button

    A1 B1 C1 D1 L1 Name Name Position Department keyword The above mentioned cells contain Employee database. If i mention dept. say "HR" in cell L1, i should get only data relating to HR department. I have used this with...
  5. G

    To retrieve and post data

    hi experts, I would like to input data on the sheet 1, say, it saves in sheet 2 in the same order i enter. i would like recall or retrieve data from sheet after entering 10 records or so and like to overwrite, if necessary. For transferring data to sheet 2 - i used the following formula. It...
  6. G

    Overwrite - Vb code with macro

    hi hui, here is the link for the above said excel sheet http://www.adrive.com/public/pS55hG/sample%20test.xlsm if you need any information, just let me know
  7. G

    Overwrite - Vb code with macro

    hi hui, i have designed an excel sheet to retrieve the values from sheet 2 to sheet 1 and then overwrite if there are any changes. retrieval code is working as desired. But when i save and transfer values to sheet 2 for any changes, it doesn't work. Note: Sheet 1 - the values start from...
  8. G

    Overwrite - Vb code with macro

    Hi xl experts, in order to overwrite a particular cell with the activex control button, what vb code should i use. rgds, ganeshm
  9. G

    Overwrite cells

    Hi.... Thank you for extending your help and guidance. Here i have an excel sheet (macro) in which i want to overwrite particular cell. http://www.adrive.com/public/kfr6pn/Copy Sheet.xlsm 1. There is a form control button to retrieve the data from next sheet. 2. Once retrieved, i change...
  10. G

    Command to extract value

    it is indeed useful, something to learn for. Thanks deb.
  11. G

    Command to extract value

    HI Excel Experts, Is it possible to extract values from one sheet to another if multiple command is given to command button? link is given below http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=176739&p=656042#post656042 regards, ganesh
  12. G

    'save' 'clear' command button in excel

    @ sgmpatnaik... I believe i missed out something in VB. Its working... thank you. ganeshm
  13. G

    'save' 'clear' command button in excel

    Dear koi and Luke, Thank you for the inputs. http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=176490&p=655074#post655074 With the inputs given, I have applied formula for Save & Clear command buttons. The issue here is sheet1 has these command buttons and with formula, when value is entered...
  14. G

    'save' 'clear' command button in excel

    test file.xlsx http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=176490&p=654855&posted=1#post654855 Kindly help me to solve command button issues. I would like to input values in the sheet1 and then save, the data entered in sheet 1 should directly get saved in sheet 2 row by row.