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  1. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    Asa, here is file: http://www.2shared.com/document/kaGbij6r/Evaluation_Dates.html
  2. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    Asa, where can I post a sample spreadsheet?
  3. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    Auto, IF(AND(DATEDIF($C$3,TODAY(),"d")>F6,DATEDIF($C$3,TODAY(),"d")>=G6),"OVERDUE"&" by "&DATEDIF($C$3+F6,TODAY(),"d")&" days.","") I like the format and formula; I would need to edit the formula to copy for 26 employees with different start date. The $c$3 would not be same for all...
  4. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    Asa, Some cells returned #VALUE!and some didn't. Used copy paste.
  5. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    Auto and Asa, thank you for replies, both options look like they will work. I will try them. PS sorry for my late reply, I just figured out how to find the replies :-)
  6. K

    Date/Reminder with Conditional Formatting

    My spreadsheet involves calculating when evaluations are due; from hire date or promotion = Start/Promotion, +45 days, +90 days, +180, annual. Some of the evaluations way overdue. In some instances, I may only have the hire date, which could be 9/2/08, I don't want the result to show "False"...
  7. K

    Employee Evaluation Schedule

    Hello, I would like to create a file that will calculate when employee evaluations are due and to have an "alert" when one is due or past due. Process is from hire date or promotion date, there is a 45day, then 90day, then 180days, and annual Is there a formula in excel that help automate...