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  1. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Asa, I like the idea of just changing the color of the text instead of the background for the weekends. However,the macro seems interesting. Before that I've adjusted the number of rows i need for my employees and assignments and noted at the bottom of the spread sheet all the months of...
  2. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Asa, Except for the limitation, that works like a charm. I appreciate you showing me the formulas and the process. This will come in handy later. I'm putting all the months in one file under different sheets. Is there any way to override my weekend color for specific cells after I've...
  3. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Thank you ASA, =LEFT(C4,2)="PL" I don't really understand what it means but i figured out how to fix it:) =Left (C2,2)="PL" EAS-revised11.18.2011.xlsx I'm ready for this one. :) Mark
  4. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Asa, I had that problem yesterday while editing my built spreadsheets at work. After inputting the formula and entering ok. I didn't notice or think to check if the formula changed from what i put in. Now it works. :) I specifically adjusted the formula to highlight just the one box. Thanks...
  5. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Asa, Chinese.. :0... I couldn't figure out how to change it to English days of the week. You've helped with that without knowing it. I like the idea of highlighting holidays. But I'll keep the error message. I can always add another assignment blow if i need to. If there were a way to move...
  6. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Hi Asa, After studying your comments, I've decided against having my assignments adjust with the days of the week. I need to show a full months assignments at a time. I've also decided against creating an error message if my assignments add up to more then 10 in a pay period because my...
  7. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Try these. :) January schedule.xlsx October schedule.xlsx Thanks for the tips, I figured out the HTML code. Now for the formula's.
  8. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    I thought i'd share with you what i'm currently using as a schedule. This is the link for the potential assignment schedule for January as i have it laid out so far...
  9. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Asa, I really appreciate your help. This is way over my head. But that's ok. I really want to figure this out. I spend a lot of time working and then taking my kids to different activities. I'd love to take one of Chandoo's classes but I dont think i would follow through with it if it...
  10. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    I love the error message!! Is there a way for that message to pop up if I've scheduled an employee more then 10 days in the same biweekly pay period? I feel like i'm asking a lot. Hope you don't mind. Mark
  11. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    It's true that my assignments change given the day of the week. Is it possible to have the different assignments follow the day of the week when i change the month? Mark
  12. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    I just downloaded it and started playing with it. It's much better then what i'm use to. You can still tell me how to create a link, as i'm sure i'm going to stick around this forum. But i don't need to show you what I've been using. I'll use this one. Is there a way to automatically...
  13. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Just woke up to see if anyone posted. Thank you so much. I'll study it and see if i can figure out what you did and if i can use it. But so far it looks like you understand exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you for the extra's(bold line between Sa and Su) :) I've used formatted excel...
  14. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Thank you for the reply. I'm looking for the something like this: Month Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12... Employee Day M T W TH F S S M T W TH F... Jim A A A A A P P P P P Todd P P P P P...
  15. R

    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Is it possible to start with the value "A" in a cell and then add the same value in another cell while automatically removing or hiding the original "A"? In other words, I'd like to start with a group of values on one line and then as I use the values on another line, I would like the original...