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  1. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Good day sir Yes sir this is what I am expecting but there is no formula in sheet
  2. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Thank you sir. Thank you for your help. There is one correction. Sir, in report1,from B4 to last record the particular customer each transactions (Item Names) should come. Customer Name only at the column B2 for customer selection. Thanks and regards
  3. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir in report1 would like to change column B2 with (Customer Name) and that particular customer transactions need to come below. I apply the same formula as the Report2 not showing all transactions. Which formula need to change Thanks and regards
  4. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir if you have time then one more help please. In the Report1 column (need with customer name. How to change the formula for that. Sir please check the sheet attached Report. Thanks
  5. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir report1 need with a particular customer details. So in report1 B2 customer name should come and details should shown below. So what changes i have to do for report1. And one more question can we get date asending order for both report.
  6. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir Good Day Are you there sir, Sorry for the disturbance. There is one more problem I found in the Report2, Sir please look into the Report2 last item which I highlighted. I added some date Row99 to 107 and in the Data2 sheet and Report2 its calculate 7 qty of other item for outward. As per...
  7. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir sorry for the disturbance. Did you check the TESTED.xlsm, (In Tested.xlsm) in which I put all your given formula in Report2 as you said and I Select LED ADORE NIGHT LAMP 0.5W 6500K RHINO in B2. But in the result come as below. Its showing Rhino,RABBIT,PENGUIN,TIGER ETC.. ITEM NAME LED...
  8. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Sir there is getting error when I adding more data on the worksheet different items shows in the report sheet. Can you please check. Sir please check the new attached workbook. Actually when I apply the formula to my original data i got error message so tested with this attached workbook also...
  9. J

    Correction in Array formula

    Thanks you so much for your help. Sir the Balance column can you provide a formula to (-) for Balance column if there is no value in E and F. Regards
  10. J

    Correction in Array formula

    First of all thank you for your reply. Sorry sir, I did not lock purposely the question was based on formula so that I did not remember to open it. I would be happy if you will. Here I am attached open xlsb file. Hoping you will give a reply. Data2 sheet contains Macro for drop down list.
  11. J

    Correction in Array formula

    as per this forum rule Start a new post every time you ask a question, even if the theme is similar. The original author may continue asking questions whilst the post is in progress and of course if you are answering questions you may need to ask questions of the initial poster. This is not a...
  12. J

    Array Formula for copy value from 1 sheet to another

    Can someone kindly help to fill the array formula to accomplish to result In the sample excel file 3 columns I have filled IN SHEET1 column D5 NEED FORMULA as Sheet1 B2 NAME=SHEET2 RAGE C:C AND SHEET1 F:F RAGE VALUE=PURCHASE OR SALES RETURN THEN VALUE FROM DATA2 SHEET COLUMN E: (QTY) COME IN...
  13. J

    sales summary report

  14. J

    sales summary report

    Thank you for your help.
  15. J

    sales summary report

    May I get a answer from you ?
  16. J

    sales summary report

    Thanks for your reply I needed with month,customer name, items, quantity and total as on the sample file, screenshot. That is why I requested for macro.
  17. J

    sales summary report

    sir with month,customer name, items, quantity and total
  18. J

    sales summary report

    If we select all customer it does not show each customer name. only shows all quantity. I would like to have all customer name also with quantity is it possible. Sir, I am not expert in vba to modify as per my requirement
  19. J

    sales summary report

    Shall I get all customer details in one page as per your pivot table. How will check each customer address in the Address book Your given site not showing as per my choice of output sir.
  20. J

    sales summary report

    Thank you very much for your help. But I also expecting a macro solution for this because in my original date some invoice numbers are missing and it should take from delivery date as shown below. Is that possible kindly help me. If column C dates are missing it should take from A Can some one...
  21. J

    sales summary report

    Hi Can some one help me to make month wise summary report under each customer as the report sheet in sample sheet with macro . I will be very much thankful to you. Please look into this problem and give a solution Thanks in advance
  22. J

    Stock Register

    From where, how can you tell me how to delete
  23. J

    Stock Register

    Admin pls. remove this post from here. regards
  24. J

    Stock Ledger

    HI I have posted a threads in ask excel question in this forum, but I did not get a good solution. So I posted here for a Macro solution for that. I would like to make a stock ledger as the Report sheet on the attached file. Can it be possible with Macro. Here with I attached a sample file, in...
  25. J

    Stock Register

    Hello.. Is it possible Power Query can be use in excel 2007? Do you have any other option?