I've been using the same workbook code for years without trouble. recently the macro in the workbook begain throwing the error code 1004.
Run Time Error ‘1004’:
Unable to get the vlookup property of the WorksheetFunction class
The code is below. Please help me sort it out.
The code was working last week, but now I am getting the following error:
Run Time Error 1004: Unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class.
The code line that is highlighted in debugger is "MyEmail = . . . . " (Line 23)
I am using the unmodified...
This works brilliantly. Thanks! One last question . . . I attached the above macro to a button. Is there a way to make the button invisible & inactive unless the worksheet is unlocked?
Other users access the workbook, and I don't want them accidentally bombarding my managers with...
Hi Luke,
There is on't a single email associated with each manager mnemonic. What I need is for email address of each of the managers with incomplete entries to appear in the To field of the email. Right now only the last manager's email address appears in the To field.
It's kind of neat to...
Hi Luke,
Thanks for the help. I was able to get the code working as a macro using the adjustments below. The problem I am having is that The email that generates only lists the last manager's email address in the To: field. I need all managers to list in the To: field. The other possible...
I have a rather elaborate workbook that tracks client satisfaction surveys. My support managers need to follow up on each survey with negative responses. I need a block of code that will do the following upon closing the workbook:
1) search Column "N" for any rows that do NOT...
OK, I got the code below to work. Good suggestion:
Dim j As Integer
Dim rngeAge As Variant
Dim rngeFormula As Variant
Dim rngeSessionID() As Variant
Dim rngeSubmit() As Variant
Dim rngeQ(1 To 16) As Variant
Dim rngeNegative() As Variant
It worked . . . mostly. I had to modify the code because all of the results were offset by one cell.
rngeNegative(j, 1) = "=IF(COUNTIF($A" & j + 1 & ":$R" & j + 1 & ",""Unsatisfied"")>0,""X"",IF(COUNTIF($A" & j + 1 &...
I need to edit the VBA code below to insert the following formula into my sheet:
=IF(COUNTIF($A148:$R148,"Unsatisfied")>0,"X",IF(COUNTIF($A148:$R148,"Very Unsatisfied")>0,"X",""))
I am trying to add the formula as the value for the...
It's working really well. Thanks for all of your assistance. I have one last question:
Currently the Target is (Target, Range("A1:A1076")). Column A contains the Unique identifier that we are looking up. Is there any way to alter the VBA so that if the user selects any cell in column...
That code worked really well with a few modifications (below). The resulting list displays a list of data as expected, but I need to work in the column headings so that the data displayed is kept in context.
On Error GoTo enditall
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A1076")) =...
Hi Luke,
The Data is located on Sheet2. I want the popup on Sheet3. The Sheet2 Data range is A3:R1076. The column to be referenced in the vlookup is R.
Basically, if Sheet3 A3:A1076 (Unique identifier)is selected and matches Sheet2 R3:R1076 (unique identifier), then display display adjacent...
Hello All,
I want to create a pop up window that activates when users select a specific field From a range on Sheet3; Range(A1:A100). When active, the pop-up will display data from another sheet(Sheet2).
What I need to do is create a lookup that matches the value of cell A1 on Sheet3 to...
I have a workbook that I modify daily. After I modify the workbook, my team reviews the results. The workbook (Survey Results) has a data connection that draws in data from an external source (Additional Data)on our intranet. Since Additional Data is only updated once each day at...
Thanks for your post. I snipped a peice of the code out since it did not relate to the task at hand. I must have missed that lone if. The whole code is below:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim j As Integer
Dim rngeAge As Variant
Dim rngeCalls() As Variant
Dim rngeInitCall() As Variant...
I am preparing a sheet to track client survey responses. My company calls back any client who submits a negative survey response. My goal is to write code that will (upon opening the workbook) scan the submit date of all surveys, and then set the survey status to "Expired" if the survey is over...