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  1. P

    How to shorten the formula

    Thanks SirJB7 for help. I upsize my formula by instead of doing "????xdhs", I include the first ? to "e???xdhs?", "h???xhds", and "m???xdhs" to exlcude "p???xdhs" to be counted twice. Is there any other way besides this?
  2. P

    How to shorten the formula

    I have the following formula that I would like to be shortened: =COUNTA(E169:O169)-COUNTIF(E169:O169,"=g*")-COUNTIF(E169:O169,"=p*")-COUNTIF(E169:O169,"=z*")-COUNTIF(E169:O169,"=????xdhs") Can someone help me please? Besides, the formula will double deduct pepexdhs because falls into P*...
  3. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    It works great. thank you so much for your help.
  4. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    By putting in the loop, you only need to run the macro once. You should be able to use this macro as is. Sub SortHorizontal() Dim xRow As Integer xRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Loop through each row to sort For i = 2 To xRow Cells(i...
  5. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    thank you so much. It works great. But may I ask if you also show me a formula so that I don't have to press the ctl + key shortcut in case I have thousands of records?
  6. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    Thanks for your quick reply. But I have more than 2000 row to sort. It will take me a lot of time to do each one one at a time. Please show me a formula. Thanks.
  7. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    columnA columnB columnC columnD columnE columnF row 2 E1S E1S H1 AAA1 ME21 SL19 row 3 E1S E1S H1 AAA1 SL19 ME21 row 4 AAA1F H1 AAH1 E1 SL19 ME21 row 5 H1 E1 ME21 AAA1 AAH1 SL19...
  8. P

    How to sort text data in a row

    E1S E1S H1 AAA1 ME21 SL19 E1S E1S H1 AAA1 SL19 ME21 AAA1F H1 AAH1 E1 SL19 ME21 H1 E1 ME21 AAA1 AAH1 SL19 Can you help me write a formula to sort these text data horizontally? Thank you so much.