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Search results

  1. N

    How to print a header if a cell has a number value

    Thanks AJ but unfortunately i have only 2010 version in my office and this cant work there. do you have anything else which can work with older version of excel... thanks for your hlep. Kind Regards
  2. N

    How to print a header if a cell has a number value

    Good Day to all of you I have a file for stock control where i need to see when last time we sell a product. i need a formula in column U which bring the header value in it if that column has got a number value. Column G is Item Ref. Column H is Item Description Column I to T are the columns...
  3. N

    convert numbers and amount into currency text

    Dear All i have a payment template where i need to instruct my bank to make payment in different currencies and i have to put amount in numbers and words. i want when i put amount in number it convert into text automatically, we are using this formula to convert number into words...
  4. N

    a Unique list from 3 Database

    Dear Nebu thanks for the file i hope i can start working with Pivot as i didn't work before could you please give me an insight of who you did the table on consolidated sheet. i hope you may double click on something in pivot and it must have extracted it on new file, can you tell where you did...
  5. N

    Delete empty rows from imported text using formulas

    Hi check the attached file if this VBA Script is working for you. what you need to do, Select the column where you want to remove the empty cells and run this macro it'll delete the entire row which has an empty cell on selected column... i hope it'll work...
  6. N

    a Unique list from 3 Database

    Dear Nebu thanks for looking into my request, my format of the report will remain the same as i have on BU 16 Sheet Customer Code in "A", Customer Name "B" Brand Names in "D" and then Jan - Dec for Budget, Jan - Dec for Year 2014 and then Jan - Dec for Year 2015 but i need to display all those...
  7. N

    a Unique list from 3 Database

    Dear Nebu it's going to be 30000 rows for actual 2014 and 15 and around 500 row for Bu 2016... thanks for your help.
  8. N

    a Unique list from 3 Database

    Dear All i have a file where i have 3 databases Actual sales for 2014, 2015 and BU 2016, they are not similar but in all three customer name and brand names are same and based on these two elements of my database i have to make a unique list. i need a formula which can bring customer on a new...
  9. N

    Hlookup - use indirect for Row index number

    thanks Nebu for your time i got you both correctly and it's working fine in file...
  10. N

    Hlookup - use indirect for Row index number

    Thanks Boss you understood my file and requirement correctily.... thanks for the inputs
  11. N

    Hlookup - use indirect for Row index number

    Hi Nebu my actual file has 1000 row index numbers and if i can divert it through a cell where i can give cell no i can save a lot of time to change almost 2000 formulas. i dont mind if you can give some thing simpler... thanks for your help
  12. N

    Hlookup - use indirect for Row index number

    Dear All i have a problem to bring row index number from a different cell by indirect formula in Hlookup. attached is an example of my file... thanks to help me on this... Kind Regards
  13. N

    Data Validation on multiple conditions

    Dear Narayan Sir thank you very much for your help, it's really working fine but could you be so kind to explain me what exactly you have done in my file, i just notice that you made some changed to my sheet List and you put only =INDIRECT() in Data file with the cell reference. but other than...
  14. N

    Data Validation on multiple conditions

    Good morning all i have to validated data based on Month selected in Column A of a sheet "DATA" in Column B and conditional range is on Sheet List so, if A1 is January B1 should display only dates belongs to January if its March than Dates only for March and so on i did validate this upto July...
  15. N

    Delete rows based on conditions

    thanks Marc could you please let me know if i need to add more filler let say based on few more criteria e.g. Name, School etc how i can amend the same code. thanks again for your help
  16. N

    Delete rows based on conditions

    it's not working for me exactly i need to delete all the rows in sheet1 based on column 'C' and need to keep only those cells which contains 2015 in column 'C'... i hope it'll understand thanks for your review.
  17. N

    Delete rows based on conditions

    Hi I have a file (attached) where i just need those rows which has 2015 in Column 'C' i want to delete everything else... can someone help me to get a macro for this... thanks in advance.
  18. N

    use indirect for Column Number in Vlookup

    Thanks for all of you for your quick replies, first one is working fine with me.... thanks a lot
  19. N

    Vlookup Store Earnings from a Table

    thanks Narayan sir, it's working well and hope i'll not have any issue when i present it to my management ;)
  20. N

    use indirect for Column Number in Vlookup

    dear all i want to redirect column number in vlookup formula attached is my workring where i need it... thanks for your help.
  21. N

    Vlookup Store Earnings from a Table

    Good Afternoon to All i have to calculate store earnings based on a % table i want to look up the earning value which fall in between the correct bracket of this table on sheet1. i have attached the file for your reference. hope to get you guys help soon... thanks in advance.
  22. N

    Need help on Charts

    Dear Julius thanks for your help and it's perfectly working with what i need to present, i am new to charts and will learn surely... thanks Kind Regards
  23. N

    Need help on Charts

    Dear All i am new to charts and need your help to make a chart like i explained in attached file and hope some one can help on this... thanks
  24. N

    Multi data list Validation

    Thanks Narayan Sir for your help...:)
  25. N

    Multi data list Validation

    Dear All i need to 3 data list and need to validate one of them at a time in A3 based on values in B3. I am attaching a sample file. please guide me how i can do this. thanks for your help. Kind Regards