Hey I have noticed in my career people love using Excel as a form to collect information. I have worked for multiple companies and this always seems to be true.
Right now I need to create a data-set out of two different forms which get filled out daily. Each Day is on a separate tabs and each...
I have this formual:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Project Purchase Order and Sale'!$W$2:$W$5000='Detail EAC by Task Code'!$C7),--('Project Purchase Order and Sale'!$B$2:$B$5000='Detail EAC by Task Code'!V$2),'Project Purchase Order and Sale'!$Y$2:$Y$5000)
The problem I have is the relative references do...
I know I have read a tutorial on how to due this somewhere I just don't remember were. Could someone please point me to how I can due row and column look-up vlookup (might need to use sumproduct but can’t remember) . Aka I have multiple lines with different types of equipment. I want the...
That did not work, but this did. Indirect was the sytex I was looking for thanks.
I am trying to make the tab name a variable for formals and am having an issue. Excel reads it as a external link but I am referring to tabs in the same worksheet. Example
I want something like...
I absolutely agree with you. However, I really don't have a choice. Until my company collects this data in a structured database format designed for my industry (that is willing the spend the money to buy project management software and a real project accounting system) and not due...
I have a file which I keep tracks of metrics on a consolidated based from a few dozen other excel files. However, I am having an issue with a couple of links from only one file. So when ever I open up the consolidated file I get a linking Ref error. However, if I open the file which the link is...
What I was getting at was I was trying to take say use =offset( functionXXX(B11),1,1) but the formula in B11 would now refer to Second!AD11. However instead of referring to Second!AC11, I wanted to refer to A11 and pull part of the formula from A11, not A11's value. The find function allows you...
I do this with summary charts all the time. The real problem with using this for Dashboards is filtering data. For example if I have a date filter in my pivot, I cannot use getpivot to change that filter. You could write a VBA function that would adjust the filter, however if different elements...
Because I am unfortunately using Excel as a database, I have been running into some cases where I need to reference a cells Formula. If I can only due this in VBA I would need to create a user defined formula. Show formula will not work because I need to adjust the formula thru offset and other...
I have a few dozen named ranges on a sheet. I am modifying existing spreedsheets with data and these named ranges. Is there a way I can copy the names over to other spread sheets (cells are grouped together the same on all spreadsheets). I have quite a few sheets, so I do not want to name...