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Search results

  1. M

    Filter or sort the data in a column that has different dates and blank cells.

    Copy the 2011 dates to another sheet? Auto filter the range with custom filter options: greater than and equal to 1/1/2011 and less than and equal to 31/12/2011 (enter dates in the format according to your regional settings). The bottom left hand corner of the screen will show you how many...
  2. M

    Code that will automatically run macro when cells change

    Great! Glad I could be of help.
  3. M

    Code that will automatically run macro when cells change

    The code goes into the worksheet change event procedure. In the VBA editor's Project Explorer window, double click the sheet name which has the cells you want to monitor. Then paste the following code. Assuming your 'Solve' macro is currently in a module, this should work: Option Explicit...
  4. M

    Pivot table data

    As a work-around.. you can build a helper column outside the pivot where the data can be filled. Not best practice... but produces the desired effect.