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Search results

  1. D

    Pivot Table Sort

    By the way I am using Excel 2010
  2. D

    Pivot Table Sort

    Thank you for your help, but it is not working for me . Perhaps I am not understanding. I don't thin I want to sort by subtotal. I would like to keep all values desperate and sort as if they were just regular rows, but keep the pivot table properties. Because I have multiple "MC"...
  3. D

    Dynamic name in sum product

    What error are you getting? Are you naming the entire range of the data? or just the headers? If you are naming the entire range it should work. Can you post an example workbook?
  4. D

    Pivot Table Sort

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and signed up for the VBA Class recently. I love the atmosphere of Chandoo and have learned a ton. I have a question regarding a pivot table sort. The file can be found here...