BOBHC, not at all... no offence.
Yes the cemetery website is plain... believe it or not, nothing has changed much since 2001 on that website! (so if you think about it, back in the day to have a website like that with searchable database, interactive maps etc, it was a big thing, today hmmm...
Thank you so much. I have already done the conversion. Then I copied and pasted as 'value' on same column. It is a one time thing. Now I am going to lock all the cells and I won't have the problem in the future.
Kind regards
@ BOBHC. I created what I believe to be first database on line for a cemetary plot about 13 years ago. I built them a website etc. Purpose was for visitors from out of town visiting this cemetery from 1900's, would be able to tell before driving from far off place whether the person/deceased...
I apologize in my orininal post I did not specify that data is not from real co-ordinates. The original value went from 0,0, and went exactly 4 feet west to mark next grave or 6 feet north to mark next grave. Of course this formula did not work well. So you see the .5 etc. Because some graves...
LOL thanks for the quick responses. Those are OLD OLD longitudes and latitudes. They do not even respond to real compass. They mark cemetery plots from one corner to another. By the time I am done helping them. They will have real co-ordinates.
I was a way for a couple of minutes. I will try...
Luke, Haseeb and Narayan
Great work here.
Others, thank you for wonderful questions. I have been able to use some of the answers from here. However I had a slightly different request from Kuldeep.
In my case I want ALL the numbers between text.
However there are only two letters MAX and two...
My data looks like this
Cell A1: W144.8 N82.11 Extract==> Cell B1: 144.8 Cell C1: 82.11
Cell A2: W23 N278.5 Extract==> Cell B2: 23 Cell C2: 278.5
Cell A3: W123.4 N223 Extract==> Cell B3: 123.4 Cell C3: 223
After going through the posts. I was impressed by several answers...