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  1. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    Sorry for the delay, Here is the File. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pm45yvugwwast1b/Initated%20not%20Approved.xlsx Still cant get the rows to cut across automatically. Cheers, Gumbles
  2. G

    COUNTIF with two criteria

    That format didnt really come out right. Unfortunatly i cant upload a sample as my company firewall doesnt let me :(
  3. G

    COUNTIF with two criteria

    Sorry, Inputs: Week Opened Issues Question 32 Q1. 32 S1. 33 Q1. Desired Outputs Week Total Open "Q" Total Open "S" 32 1 1 33 1 0 I will make them cumulative later but that's not so...
  4. G

    COUNTIF with two criteria

    Ok I have tried this formula in my spreadsheet but I dont think it is exactly what I need. I think the problem is that I need to look for the second criteria (if the left most character is "Q")on the same line(s) as I found the first criteria (if it matches the value in $O38). Is this...
  5. G

    COUNTIF with two criteria

    Hi Shrivallabha, 2007.
  6. G

    COUNTIF with two criteria

    Hi there, I am trying to use the COUNTIF function to count issues only when the "issueopendate" range matches two criteria. 1. If it matches the number in cell "$O38" (e.g.32) 2. If the Text in the range "IssueQuestion" begins with a Q. (e.g. Q1.) The purpose is to first divide the isses...
  7. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    Hi Debraj, Thankyou for the reply, unfortunatly the firewall is being a pig and has rejected your link. I have tried the code but still nothing. I will post the file here when I am home so that people can look at it to make better sense of my situation. Thanks, Gumbles
  8. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    I'm afraid my company internet filter wont allow me to access either of the websites. I can upload it when I get home but that's not till the end of the day. :( Ill show you what I came up with using other online explanations, however I was not able to work out why it didnt work: Private Sub...
  9. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    Apologies, but how do I upload my workbook? Im new to the world of forums.
  10. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    Thanks Suresh, I have pasted your code into the module, but i am getting the VB error "400"? I have to idea what this means? Also, I know this is a lazy request, but some times there may be alot of documents that are approved at once and cutting them all manually could take up alot of my...
  11. G

    Automatically cut a row to another worksheet based on cell value

    Hi there, I have a worksheet "Pending" that contains all of the current pending documents for the department. Column "C" is for completion date, and when I enter a date in here I would like the entire row to be cut and pasted into the worksheet "Approved". The row spans from "A:I". I have...
  12. G

    Return Last 5 Entries from an Issue List. [SOLVED]

    I beleive I've done it! I was unsure how it would handle duplicate dates but it works perfectly. The MATCH function compares the the largest date with the row which is what i needed. the Q column is the table where I have displayed my top 5 Issues. This is what Ive come up with...
  13. G

    Return Last 5 Entries from an Issue List. [SOLVED]

    @Shrivallabha Apologies, My Issue descriptions are C5:C35, my dates are F5:F35 and helper in K5:K35. I have used your formula but im getting #VALUE returned. C5:C35 (text), K5:K35 (unique numbers) Am i right in thinking that because im using dates that the helper column is redundant? The...
  14. G

    Return Last 5 Entries from an Issue List. [SOLVED]

    I had no idea there was a large function, so thankyou very much for your advice. My problem now is that the LARGE function will return the last number of the helper column. I need to turn this into a reference so it will return the issue description on the same row. Really appreciate the help.
  15. G

    Return Last 5 Entries from an Issue List. [SOLVED]

    Hello everyone, I am an avid reader of this site but this is my first forum question so apologies if I make any mistakes. I am trying to return the 5 most recent closed issues from an issue list. I am using a helper column to identify the closed issues and their position in the table. I have...
  16. G

    Return last 5 entries of a dynamic list, ignoring blank cells

    Hello everyone, this post has been really useful before, but I am doing another project for which it doesnt seem to work. I am trying to return the last 5 closed issues from an issue list.I am using a helper column to identify the closed issues. I have been experimenting with Chandoos example...