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Search results

  1. B

    How to highlight SUNDAYS ?

    Hello all, Good morning, I am using Cntrl+: command for dates. I wants to highlight all sunday's date. The cell color should be different. Is there any conditional formula..? Could you please guide me. Thanks in Advance.:)
  2. B

    Problem facing while copying

    Thanks Kchiba & Hui, Have just update the skype to skype click to call.. Yes it was the disturbing.. Thanks a lot... Thanks kchiba...
  3. B

    Problem facing while copying

    Yes Faseeh.. Thanks for response. But sheet is not password protected.. Facing this problem in even new sheet..:(
  4. B

    Problem facing while copying

    Hello all, I am facing problem while copying a cell or cell range.. it is not copying... even though it is not showing that highlighting (blinking) box around cell. Please guide me.. Thanks in Advance.
  5. B

    Why the excel sheet is going heavy?

    mrzoogle, Thanks a lot This helps me a lot.. Once again thank you very much.
  6. B

    Pull Outlook data into Excel

    Great... dan_l Thanks a lot..:)
  7. B

    Unique Value in Range with Condition

    Hello Amit, You can try from conditional formatting. Home>Style>Conditional formatting>Highlight Cell rules > and adjust criteria as per your requirement.. Hope so this can help you.. Best luck.
  8. B

    Why the excel sheet is going heavy?

    Is there any specific reason for excel 2007 is making sheet heavy...? There are only 3 sheet in it :( Have tried Inspect Document but still it is heavy.. Due to some formula.. Please guide me. Thanks
  9. B

    How to freeze some selected cells..?

    Hello Narayan, Could you please check once here uploaded file. so you can give me better solution. https://rapidshare.com/files/3742950781/Dummy_Report.xlsx; Thanks
  10. B

    How to freeze some selected cells..?

    Hello Faseeh, This trick is good... but please once my uploaded file.. if there is another idea you have in different way.. Thanks you very much..
  11. B

    How to freeze some selected cells..?

    Hello Hui, Please check below given download link downloadlink; https://rapidshare.com/files/3742950781/Dummy_Report.xlsx;
  12. B

    How to freeze some selected cells..?

    I want to freeze some cells.. it is 10 x 10 cells approx. It is on same worksheet.. which has some other data also.. and also freezed it's 2nd row.. If i pan other data.. then 10x10 cells should stays as it is... it should not pan with other data.. Hope so i explain here good.. if not...
  13. B

    How to protect column?, which has already filter.

    Thanks Luke, Thanks a lot..
  14. B

    How to protect column?, which has already filter.

    In Details. There are 15 columns, A to O. want to protect J & K column. it contains formula. want to keep open other columns. i have tried to protect, but not able to filter J & K column. even all also.. Please guide me.. Thanks
  15. B

    match with criteria (and or) if condition.

    Thanks Hui, Both Formula is working perfectly. Thanks a lot..:)
  16. B

    match with criteria (and or) if condition.

    Yes, please download from below given link downloadlink; https://rapidshare.com/files/3902136358/Daily_Report_New_1.xlsx;
  17. B

    match with criteria (and or) if condition.

    searching one formula for match with criteria (and or) if condition. have some 17 columns and around 5000 rows.. For example. Col A = In date (has many dates) col B = Order number. (has many order numbers) col C = Order type. (type of order, Either New order Or Change) col D = Out date...
  18. B

    Problem with Conditional Formatting for Duplicates in Multiple Column Worksheet

    =COUNTIFS(A:J,O16) A to J is your 10 columns O16 is your criteria can also use in next sheet and filter it..