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Search results

  1. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Thanks Nic, Haseeb A and Faseeh. Thanks a lot.. finally i get the answer from Nic & Haseeb A. Thank you very much.
  2. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Try the below given link. http://rapidshare.com/files/879239108/Time%20convert.xlsx
  3. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Hello Faseeh, http://rapidshare.com/files/879239108/Time%20convert.xlsx Sorry for inconvenient
  4. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Hello Faseeh, Can you please check the uploaded file. so it can help me exactly. Thanks Faseeh.
  5. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Hello Faseeh, There is something wrong, the result would be 4:05, It is 4:04.. Would also like to inform you, 245 is contained in one cell and there are too many values i want to convert in time, So it would be good for me if i can indicate the cell in formula. Thanks Faseeh:)
  6. B

    How to convert value in time?

    There is figure 245, it means 4 hours and 5 minutes. if i am dividing the 245 with 60 then result is 4.08. But actual i want 4:05. Help me please. Which formula or format can do. Thanks
  7. B

    can we run macro's in pdf documents as in excel

    Hi vyarlagadda, Yes you can create and run macro. Download application My macros V 3.7 Hope so this can help as your requirement.. Best luck.
  8. B

    Can Anybody help me to import xml file in excel?

    Hello Imgonna, I have tried too... but there was an error while importing all files. And would also want file's name in it.. Might be i am not following step by step.. Could you please guide me.. Thanks dear..
  9. B

    Can Anybody help me to import xml file in excel?

    I have thousands of .xml files. i want to import all in excel rowwise with file name. i tried to import but i m not able to add multiple files.. Can anybody help me please..
  10. B

    Need help in macro.

    Want to add multiple xml file in excel. Is there a way to import all xml files in individual cell as A1, A2, A3... ActiveWorkbook.XmlImport URL:= _ "C:UserslaxmanbDesktopBrijxml1_SMF35980413.xml", ImportMap:=Nothing, _ Overwrite:=True, Destination:=Range("$A$1") Range("A2").Select...
  11. B

    How to define Holidays in calendar from Holiday list?

    Thanks Hui, You always help me in critical situation.. Thanks a lot.
  12. B

    How to define Holidays in calendar from Holiday list?

    As in Indian calender, there are many festivals and leaves like.. 14th Jan - Kite flying day 15th Jan - Makarsankrati. 26th Jan - Republic Day. 14th Feb - Valentine day. etc.. Need your help for formula. Thank you.
  13. B

    Hello All, Happy New Year... Need help for Conditional formula.

    Hello Shrivallabha, Yes i got an idea from this fomula, but facing another problem. When i used this formula in next sheet it doesn't support. I mean.. when i apply this formula from reference sheet 1, it is showing an error.. " you cannot use reference to other worksheet or workbook for...
  14. B

    Hello All, Happy New Year... Need help for Conditional formula.

    Hello Friends, once again Happy New Year to all. I need your help .. I have just prepared one calender. I am making school attendance register. explaining here details. A column = Roll No, B Column = Student Names, Month-January in C2, C3 to AR3 weekdays. Su-Mo-Tu-We to Sa, C4 to AR4...
  15. B

    How to find name from middle name?

    Hello Narayank991, Thanks a lot... it is perfect. Thanks to bobhc also. you gave me excellent collection of those formula variation.
  16. B

    How to find name from middle name?

    Sorry Shrivallabha, Missed to paste here link, Please find below download link https://rapidshare.com/#!download|116p11|4208871131|First%20Middle%20Lastname.xlsx|12|0|0
  17. B

    How to find name from middle name?

    Hello Shrivallabha, Thanks for response. Countif formula works perfect, but there were require to explain more regarding first name. Please check here uploaded link for more details. Thanks all..:)
  18. B

    How to find name from middle name?

    I have name list. like.. paragatulbhaishah parthatulbhaishah dhruvatulbhaishah There is no space between name, middle name and surname. now i want to search how much son of atulbhai? and names of them. Please guide/help me.
  19. B

    How to link more than two excel sheets belonging to different workbooks

    Hello Ajit, Could you please upload your master sheet, See.. i am not master in excel but i have faced this type of task, so i can try my best.. And, there are many excel master(ninja) in this forum. They will also reply you.. Thanks
  20. B

    Why formula is not supporting in mac.?

    I have prepared a sheet in IBM(windows), when i open it in mac.. It is not supporting.. There is simple countifs formula.. the result is #value..:( Anyone can please help me for this.. Why this happen?
  21. B

    How to skip/remove decimal value from CONCATENATE?

    Thank Hui.. Thanks a lot..
  22. B

    How to skip/remove decimal value from CONCATENATE?

    Hello all, Good morning. i have value 60.246 in one cell and another 32.045. I have use decimal for both cell. i don't want value after .(point) so i have use here decrease decimal. so value is 60 & 32. Now when i m using CONCATENATE to merge both the result is 60.24632.045. How could i...
  23. B

    Help for Match Formula.

    Hey.. Got it.. =IF(COUNTIFS($C$5:$C$19,H5,$F$5:$F$19,I5),"Match","Not Matching") Thanks all..
  24. B

    Help for Match Formula.

    Hello Debraj, I have just seen your comment, If C5 match with H5 & F5 match with I5 then J5 has to result as "Match" If something not matching in C5 with H5 & F5 wtih I5 then result would be "Not Match" Thanks for reply.
  25. B

    Help for Match Formula.

    Hello Suresh Kumar, Yes, this is working. but only for column C & H, Column F & I skipped.. Please read comment in cell L12. Thanks for help..:)