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  1. M

    Sumproduct - counting dates in a datetimelist

    Thanks for the help; i fixed it by modifying to =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(List!$S:$S)=MONTH($A$1))) Thanks for all of your help!
  2. M

    Sumproduct - counting dates in a datetimelist

    i am getting a generic error, Excel is highlighting "List"; "We found an error with this formula?"
  3. M

    Sumproduct - counting dates in a datetimelist

    i'm having an issue trying to count the number items in a list occurring on a given date. =SUMPRODUCT(--(List!$S:$S=$A$1)) where column S is a datetime list and $A$1 is the date i am looking for. i only get 0, i think it is an issue counting a date in a datetime list, but i'm not sure? thanks