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Search results

  1. K

    can you have a formula in a cell and still enter separate data on top of it as

    can you have a formula in a cell and still enter "separate" data on top of it as if the formula is hidden so if Entered a number or text could the under lying formula act on the input thanks Mark
  2. K

    compare cells - writing correct formula

    Hi I have four cells in a column - the data is normally one that is entered. column A B row 1 1 1 row 3 (blank can be 0) row 5 1 row 7 (blank can be 0) row 9 formula formula...
  3. K

    auto fill from a column to a row in a different worksheet

    I have a column A 1 2 2 3 How do a drag across a column (formula) which is copied and pasted into another worksheet then I wish to autocopy across a row for example this formula =SAStructure!$K4 - when I drag to the right the $k stay still but the row number 4 does not automatically...
  4. K

    After checking if a cell value exists in a column,

    After checking if a cell value exists in a column, I need to get the value of the cell next to the matching cell. For instance, I check if the value in cell A1 exists in column B through to column i, and assuming it matches B5, then I want the value in cell C5. Example of my data. A B...