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Search results

  1. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    Dear Excel Gurus, I have trying to create dynamic dropdown menus with 3 or more branches for the last 3 days but all of the samples I found it limited to two. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this matter? Kind regards. AK.
  2. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    In the following web page the reader also searches the same thing as I am. http://excelsemipro.com/2012/04/a-dynamic-dependent-drop-down-list-with-a-horizontal-table-reference/ "This is great thank you very much. I was wondering, however, is there a way to have another branch. For example, I...
  3. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    Dear Koi, Thank you very much for your kind response but all of the pages and examples I have checked based on two data: You choose one and the next drop down menu changes based on your previous selection. Fine but I also want to have a third menu that should change based on the second...
  4. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    Dear Gurus, All of the data validation or "Changing Lists Based on Previous Selection" I have found is limited to 2 list. I would like to expand these to 3, 4 or even more lists but can't figure out how to set the correlation with previous list add bring the related "data validation list"...
  5. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    Having done some more search I have found the following information: http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/11/25/advanced-data-validation-techniques-in-excel-spreadcheats/ But in this excel first list and corresponding data is manually fixed. Meaning if I add a new item under the first list it is not...
  6. ahmetk

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    Dear Excel Gurus, I am not sure whether if I have titled my search correct but please allow me to explain what I am trying to do. You know how on certain web pages while you are doing a search for a certain item, it first starts with a main drop down menu ex: "car & real estate" and as you...
  7. ahmetk

    Sorting TO-DO list according to its importance and urgency

    Dear Luke, OK I see what you mean. CTLR + "+" and "-" did it. Thank you very much. Kind regards. AK
  8. ahmetk

    Sorting TO-DO list according to its importance and urgency

    Dear Luke, Thank you for your kind reply. Especially my TODO list for work consist over 30 tasks. Some with high importance some with low. During the day I also get new assingments which may be urgent or not. Depending on the urgency of pending issues I place them in my TODO list where I...
  9. ahmetk

    Sorting TO-DO list according to its importance and urgency

    Dear Excel gurus, A TODO list is smth that I have been using for quite some time both for my personal and business life. In my TODO lists I don't rank TODOs as "high" "medium" or "low" but instead sort them all. Meaning if there is 15 things to do in my TODO list depending on the importance...
  10. ahmetk

    How to move horizontal data vertically to another page via formula.

    Dear Narayank991 Thank you very much. :) Kind regards. Ahmet K.
  11. ahmetk

    How to move horizontal data vertically to another page via formula.

    Below you may find link to download the file. http://www.speedyshare.com/4pFm7/Musteri-Ziyaret-Cetveli.xls Kind regards. Ahmet
  12. ahmetk

    How to move horizontal data vertically to another page via formula.

    Dear Narayank991 Thank you for your kind and quick reply. Can you please kindly advise me how to upload my workbook? I couldn't find an upload buttom. Kind regards. Ahmet.
  13. ahmetk

    How to move horizontal data vertically to another page via formula.

    Dear Excel Gurus, I am a big fan of your page and thanks to you I have learned alot from this page. My question may be quite easy for you guys but I have been searching for a solution for this problem quite some time and I still couldn't find a quick one. I made a list where I have...