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  1. S

    Array Formula for numbering similar nos (counting)

    Hi, I have numbers in column A like this: Col A ----- 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 I want a formula (probably an Array Formula) in Col B which will number the similar numbers in this range. Like this: Col A Col B ------------- 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2...
  2. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi Hui, Any solution to my above queries?
  3. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Thanks Hui. :) i am using Excel 2003. Also in ref to my earlier question, is it possible to create the background chart with the given X, Y block height and width? on Y-Axis (Salience), the height of each block is like this: 1st block height from 0-12 2nd block height from 12-25 3rd block...
  4. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi Hui, I am still not able to align the charts. Do you have any solutions to my questions? Any ideas how to accomplish this as this is an important assignment for the weekend. Thanks in advance.
  5. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Well, i understood the last part regarding printing. But the chart location is a Chart Sheet & not a worksheet. Secondly when i change the location to a sheet and select the cells and print the whole worksheet to a file, it prints to a prn file & does not save it as a JPEG image. Cant we group...
  6. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Just FYI, on Y-Axis (Salience), the height of each block is like this: 1st block height from 0-12 2nd block height from 12-25 3rd block height from 25-87 4th block height from 87-100 on X-Axis (Attraction), the width of each block is like this: 1st block height from 0-20 2nd block...
  7. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi Hui, I have seen the marimekko charts which are made using 100% Area charts, but wasnt able to get it properly. How do i make the background you made, using Marimekko charts? what would be the plotting points? I would use Alt and Drag the Cnr's of the Charts Plot Area so that they snap to...
  8. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi Hui, Thanks a lot :) i will look at the file (especially the values you used to create the quadrant one). I tried that example on peltiertech, but i saw that i cannot customize the X-axis width of the each quadrant. Some blocks have greater width than other blocks. Secondly, even if i...
  9. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi Hui, Thanks for your reply. please look at this chart. http://goo.gl/photos/vw6GjDhLBR the Legend texts on right and bottom are actually textboxes as this chart was created manually. Since i am unable to create the background blocks, i have just created an XY Scatter using VBA code...
  10. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi, I am using VBA code to create an XYScatter chart using data. As we know that the Legend Key size is too small and cannot be resized and takes the max size of the Legend font, I want to replace each legend Key with a randomly colored circle (drawing toolbar) showing the X, Y values in the...