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  1. S

    IF nested formula

    hi narayan, its difficult to explain my issue untill i show how my file looks like. is there any way by which i can post sample file here??? rgrds, saransh
  2. S

    IF nested formula

    :-(.....its still not working. my boss is hovering over me for this. please suggest if i can send you the file to have a look. F1 F1 F1 F1...
  3. S

    IF nested formula

    thanx all for the replies. @Jason, the link was quite useful but not fulfilling my intention. @Luke, if you can explain me this formula, may be i can modify this with my requirement, as in actual file i am having few other columns as well between A1, A2... also, what is F5?? :-) thnx in...
  4. S

    IF nested formula

    Hi all, first of all, thanx chandoo. your website for excel was like finding a chest of gold. now coming to my query. in our company, any drawing passes through sets of reviews. lets call them Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 & Z5. If for any drawing, Z1 review is complete, we call it 20% complete...