ok thanks
the colours are not important the most important is that if leave is taken, it is recorded on the day taken, I'll worry about half days etc if I can solve the problem of transposing a person's leave from their sheet in to the Master sheet
Hi Sir,
a person's hours will be recorded so if a person for example takes a half day to do an exam conditional formatting can be used to shade a cell in proportion to the amount of hours worked.
The capacity is already there to proportionally shade a cell in the conditional formatting menu...
Hi there Sir,
that's really cool what you did and will be a great help
However I think my question was unclear.
What I am seeking to do is create a very simple summary sheet.
Each individual's time built up will remain in their own worksheet, but their leave will transfer to the master...
I have a flexi-leave sheet workbook for 4 employees (fictitious names):
Kevin Reynolds: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90990975/Question/Flexi%20Time%20Sheet%20Kevin%20Reynolds.xlsm
Mary Murphy:
John Ryan...
Hey, it works, that's amazing, Thanks to everyone for the assistance.
No doubt I'll be back with more questions in the future.
sorry for being slow, I'm learning!
Hi Kaushik,
yes I've done exactly as you said, but still I get 0 !!!
I do not know what I've done incorrectly ?
see my latest attempt!:
Yes I've just joined dropbox (this site is brilliant!!), here is the link to my file:
(I want to perform the calculation in the worksheet called calculate:)
Hi Shailyog,
thanks for your response, but I'm still getting a #REF
Obviously I have modified the formula to reference the correct cells in my sheet
My Leave data starts in L9 and ends at L13 in each of the sheet
There are 5 relevant cells in each week (one for each working day)
I've managed to get all the worksheet names in a new sheet, but when I type:
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&TabNames&"'!A1:A100"),"Annual Leave"))
I get a #REF error!
Any ideas, thanks for your patience with me on this
Thanks for the response on this, but I'm not quite there yet
could you explain the syntax of: =REPLACE(GET.WORKBOOK(1),1,FIND("]",GET.WORKBOOK(1)),"")
my workbook is called "Flexi Time Sheet"
how does that fit in to the syntax?
I want to do a calculation of leave days taken by employees across an entire year.
I have a workbook with 52 worksheets in it representing 52 weeks of the year.
Each employee has one workbook.
For each day of the week if an employee was not in work he was either on "Annual Leave", "Sick"...