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  1. P

    how to remove rows containing 0's?

    Column C = Column (A+B) Result of A + B in C have a few cells having 0 value. Using find formula to highlight cells with 0 value is not working. How to solve this? Thanks pradeep
  2. P

    Converting numbers into words in excel

    Thank u very much regards, pradeep
  3. P

    Converting numbers into words in excel

    Hello !! Is there any formula in excel which covert numbers to words. Exp - Rs 4563.54 Can this be converted to Four Thousand five hundred sixty three and fifty four paise. regards, pradeep
  4. P

    How to extract data from different table

    Thanks faseeh. Good solution. What i found , every time condition is change i have to change the cell no (like B12)in formula to get the result.can this not be automatic? regards, pradeep
  5. P

    How to extract data from different table

    hi, Data appears as below: Col1 Col2 Col3..... R1 1 2 3 R2 Apr May June.... R3 10 50 23 R4 15 25 33 R5 23 45 55 There 2 more tables with same structure but different data set. Each month for...
  6. P

    plotting data

    hello masters, pls check the file in link below. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g5051712ea57d5f62999270710c3598629db5671a3 check the graph in "mor" sheet. Now you change the date at cell no M8 in " data Sheet" to "28th jan 13". Now see the graph spreads till end of area.This is bcz...
  7. P

    How to solve this?

    Hello, hui sir- Product A is sold 3 times in different quantities with different mixes & same may be the case with other products also. Secondly to answer pattnaik sir --requirement is to display only that mix of which product is made of (not the entire mix need to displayed) & it's...
  8. P

    How to solve this?

    Hello, can anyone solve this? http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g1c94a3bbecda003d999243452df4534f8b8aa4fc6 cheers pradeep
  9. P

    How to remove space special characters within cells ?

    Hi Marc, Want to keep only alphabets & numbers. thanks pradeep
  10. P

    How to remove space special characters within cells ?

    Hello, Pls check it. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=ga1569b55f9e55ac599924281560c53d0938f63b2c cheers pradeep
  11. P

    How to remove space special characters within cells ?

    Hi, But special characters are not restricted to "-" ,"$" only. It may be anything. What will happen in that case?Can i use the same formula to get the results? best wishes pradeep
  12. P

    How to remove space special characters within cells ?

    Hello, Can anyone help on this? Data may extend to 1000 cells http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g4a11ebfd720bbd2c999242718585202ff4493f8b6 best wishes pradeep
  13. P

    chart automation

    Thank you. Wonderfully explained. I 'll catch u up on skype in the evening. regards, pradeep
  14. P

    chart automation

    Hello faseeh can u pls explain following: 1)how to draw two straight line on a chart , one showing maximum limit & other one for minimum limit. 2) the formula u used in "A" to "I" column of helper sheet. I dont understand logic. pls add me on skype. regards, pradeep
  15. P

    chart automation

    yes faseeh, it is done . I want to speak to you. Pls check ur mail regads, pradeep
  16. P

    chart automation

    Dear Faseeh Can u pls sort out above problem? This is quite urgent boss. Pls tellme the procedure also. rgds, pradeep
  17. P

    chart automation

    can u pls reply regards, pradeep
  18. P

    chart automation

    Hello Faseeh, In the last file you uploaded only one date is being displayed on chart even if data are available on different dates. Other dates need to be displayed on chart Pls observe file once again. Each quality has different batch no on column"B".May be one quality has different...
  19. P

    chart automation

    Thanks a lot sir. Pls explain the process when you are free. pradeep
  20. P

    chart automation

    Hello Sir! This is really fabulous!!!. "Quality Name" as shown in "A" column is to be shown in the chart as you did for "W" column. Batch no of particular quality is also to be displayed can one upper working limit & lower working limit be shown in the chart? Pls share me the entire...
  21. P

    chart automation

    Dear Faseeh, Here is the link: http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=gd98a73429ac51d08999226169ba2d08bd6dfcb579 Request you to resolve it soon pls. it is very urgent
  22. P

    chart automation

    how to upload? i dont find any upload button.
  23. P

    chart automation

    Hello ! can anybody help to develop a graphical chart with check boxes. One check box represents date range ( from ... to) which need to be feed manually. Other check boxes represent different variables(each column in excel ). Data for these variables are entered on daily basis.so whenever...