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Search results

  1. roypabitra

    In Excel, how do I find one word in a set of text in a cell? and how to pest dat

    Dear Debraj Sir Please find the following VB code :- Sub copy_paste_data_from_one_sheet_to_another() 'Let's start at row 2. Row 1 has headers x = 4 Dim myName As String Dim myNameF As String Dim cPart As Range Dim Wk1 As Worksheet Dim Wk2 As Worksheet 'Dim nextRow As Long 'Dim...
  2. roypabitra

    In Excel, how do I find one word in a set of text in a cell? and how to pest dat

    I have VBA code on which I can find a exact word and pest it another sheet but I want to search and pest not exact word like the following pabitra 100 rupa and pabitra 200 pabitra and sampa 30 rupa and sampa 400 sampa and sameer 500 sampa 600 rupa 700 now I want to copy data on which...
  3. roypabitra

    how to sum a column if criteria column # 0

    I have VBA code on which I can find a exact word and pest it another sheet but I want to search and pest not exact word like the following pabitra 100 rupa and pabitra 200 pabitra and sampa 300 rupa and sampa 400 sampa and sameer...
  4. roypabitra

    how to sum a column if criteria column # 0

    Respected Sir, I have two three column in a data sheet like the following TBA STAX TOTAL 100 2 103 200 0 200 300 10 310 400 0 400 100 5 105 Now sir i want to sum of TBA on which Stax not equal to Zero. Please Help me...
  5. roypabitra

    how sum figure of Indian format falue

    Respected Sir, I have two three column in a data sheet like the following TBA STAX TOTAL 100 2 103 200 0 200 300 10 310 400 0 400 100 5 105 Now sir i want to sum of TBA only those column on which Stax not equal to...
  6. roypabitra

    how sum figure of Indian format falue

    Respected Sir, Thanks u and see u again
  7. roypabitra

    how sum figure of Indian format falue

    I have rupformat function and i convert number by rupformat like =rupformat(12345678) and now I want to sum three like this valu but its result shows #value Rs.12,54,875.00 Rs.24,58,769.00 Rs.3,96,54,781.00 #VALUE! please help me how I solve this problem