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Search results

  1. J

    If Function test

    so you just want a couple "Sample IF formulas" to see if these starters understand how they work!? ....talk about an wide open door. testing on the IF function alone is one thing : IF(Condtion,Value_If_True,Value_If_False) but nesting other formulas in place of the arguments is 1) taking it...
  2. J

    Need formula

    i'm fairly confused...but think some of it is starting to clear up. questions: 1) where are the values in d10:i21 coming from? 1.1) If i look for the matching data... it looks like this particular table contains the same values as the Area5Prod1 field in Col.AM... is this correct? *The...
  3. J

    Explain the FORMULA please

    The IF function consists of 3 'arguments' or parts: =IF(CONDITION,VALUE_IF_TRUE,VALUE_IF_FALSE) NOTE: Like with all Function, the arguments are separated with a comma (,). =IF(ISNUMBER($W9),1+(1-$W9/$AF$7),"") If the value/content of Cell W9 is a number the condition would be TRUE so it...
  4. J

    Replace text between two text references within existing string

    this was in the middle of his orignial post: "-----> in english: =MID(A2,SEARCH("&",A2)+1,SEARCH("=",A2,SEARCH("=",A2)+1)-SEARCH("&",A2))&A1&MID(A2,SEARCH("&",A2,SEARCH("&",A2)+1),SEARCH("=",A2,SEARCH("=",A2,SEARCH("=",A2)+1)+1)-(SEARCH("&",A2,SEARCH("&",A2)+1)))"
  5. J

    Replace text between two text references within existing string

    ..............................................................I'm with q5103034. lol wth?!
  6. J

    Deleting Random rows

    @bobhc: HAHHAAHA Glad I'm not on your list!!!!
  7. J

    Deleting Random rows

    the easiest way to delete randowm rows is to 1) Hold down the Ctrl button 2) close eyse 3) select random rows 4) delete selected rows EASY AS CAN BE!!
  8. J

    Creative with excel

  9. J

    A lot of IF's

    =IF(E2=1,25,IF(AND(E2>1,E2=<10),E2*25,IF(AND(E2>10,E2=<50),E2*18.75,IF(AND(E2>50,E2=<100),E2*12.5,IF(AND(E2>100,E2=<250),E2*7.5))))) there...that should include the threshold numbers
  10. J

    A lot of IF's

    see my 'crack at it' above and let me know
  11. J

    A lot of IF's

    ...where did the 'if <4 then 100' come from? is 0 ever a possibility? you may want to edit this so that values equal to any of the criteria will still be counted. So if E2=100, your current criteria would return false...
  12. J

    A lot of IF's

    just to make sure i understand the conditions... can you provide a ocuple samples and what the value returned should be?
  13. J

    Filter duplicate row numbers but not exactly the same

    ...there has to be some type of criteria that is used to form the 'desired' list of names...??
  14. J

    Move a column in a table

    how it is exported will likely depend on that particular software. as far as moving it to the desired location once its in Excel; R-click on the column heading, cut, R-click on the Column heaing to the right of where you wish to move the new field too and Paste (choose the Insert Cut Cells...
  15. J

    excel formula question

    could you explain what you're trying to accomplish? perhaps theres and easier/better/faster way. and just to answer your question: you can nest basicaly any fucntions together as long as the nested function(s) return the correct type of data for main functions arguments.
  16. J

    Conditional copy

    you may be able to get the result that youre looking for with the IF function. on sheet 2 in A1, you'd enter your first formula: =IF(Sheet1!$E$1="S",=Sheet1!A1,"") this is farily simple but has limitations. -- You'd have to copy this formula to all the 'posisble cells' -- when it come to...
  17. J

    how to list top 10 open issue based on status priority

    1) Does each issue/record have a status and priority value?(i would assume yes to both) 2) what version of excel do you have? A pivot table may be great. i cant view the file now due to work security restrictions... so kinda shooting blind. but with the pivotTable, you would have your...
  18. J

    Send email and list group of data in body of email

    i'll have to re-aquaint myself with mailmerge and will report if i find anything helpful. this may be helpful!! http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;302665
  19. J

    Create custom groups in a pivot table

    alas, we meet again!! lol my first thought would be a helper column so that you can indentify each ticket as a 1-2, 3-4, etc time frame. If you're wanting a column on the chart to indicate for example that there were 20 tickers in the 1-2 group, 13 tickets in the 3-4, etc... Im thinking...
  20. J

    Filter data in place help

    I joined first.... so techincally i win!!?
  21. J

    Filter data in place help

    i wanted to add... if you choose to 'filter in place' you'll need to 'clear' or turn off the filter to see the whole list again.
  22. J

    Filter data in place help

    ok, fine, im not always good at this whole 'leaving you hanging' game advanced filter is right on!! Let me work out the details and i'll get back to you, Jason. ok...im back. somewhere off to the side (or on another sheet) type or copy the heading of Col.A into a cell. below this cell...
  23. J

    Filter data in place help

    only if you stop stealing my name!!! hahahaha just kidding yes there is..... [cliff hanger]
  24. J

    Max date not after certain date

    ok, just wondering since the first line of dates that you gave was all 12/27/12 but the first date (date claim processed was 7/30/12. not getting too far since the dates will nto be in sequential order.....still looking/working
  25. J

    Max date not after certain date

    AH HA!!! now I'm picking up what you're putting down my friend!! ok, one more quesiton: what if all the dates received are AFTER the date processed? (first line of dates)??? I'll get back to you