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Search results

  1. J

    Slicer/Excel 2010: How to remove duplicates from a slicer

    is the duplicate slightly shaded/greyed out? ive seen this on mine before... and i've noticed they come and go while i'm workong in the pivottable.... i noticed that sometimes after saving and closing that not the same duplicates would show in the slicer. now, i dont think they show up at...
  2. J

    Conditional Format Formula Help needed

    Running into a bit of a head-scratcher... i've come along way on my own and am wondering if this last step is possible; thus i come and post. I have a list of enteries (numbers) each day that represents the number of 'clicks' a printer has made (each page printed is a click). so...
  3. J

    Excel 2010+Pivot Table Conditional Formatting

    the easiest option i can think of without seeing a sample (can one be uploaded) would be to add the completed date field for each assignment and then add the conditional formatting to that field.
  4. J

    Formulas returning -0- value when clearly there is a numerical answer. Help!

    are they originally Array formulas? they would have the curly brackets {} at the very beginning and end of the formula.....if so, instead of simply pressing enter, you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter all together.
  5. J

    Match last non-blank within multiple lookup values

    and how are they 'selecting' the weeks? highlightly the cells, drop down lists, filter?
  6. J

    Match last non-blank within multiple lookup values

    while week 5 is empty, week 4 is not..... so wouldnt that be your last non-blank value? maybe provide some more examples? how is 'selection of weeks' going to be made/set?
  7. J

    Excel freeze???

    i believe this is related to your computer.... do you have a lot of (or big) programs/applications open?
  8. J

    excel help require

    conditional formatting can take care of the red coloring, but i think you'll have to have a formula in the cells to return "N/A" or leave it blank. if it were me, i would have a formula (=if(a1="AA","N/A","") for the cells then just use conditonal formatting to look at the cells with "N/A" to...
  9. J

    Look Up with multiple conditions with two sets of date ranges

    i went through your list manually and want to make sure I'm correct: Items------Start--------End----------manual Item 1-----7/08/2013----7/14/2013----$2.75 Item 1-----7/22/2013----7/28/2013----$2.75 Item 1-----7/29/2013----8/04/2013----$2.75 Item 2-----7/08/2013----7/14/2013----$2.75 Item...
  10. J

    Excel, show duplicates

    i can see how some nested if functions may be able to accomplish this, but not sure if i can whip something up right now... i'll report back if i get anywhere. is it wrong to assume that 1 person would only have 1 entry per day!?! (if so, that would make this much easier)
  11. J


    your code didnt work... may want to review the sticky on the main forum page. a vlookup will not delete any content, it simply retrieves data from the specified table array.
  12. J

    Locate Date value based on value in adjacent cell.

    you'll probably want to upload a sample for this
  13. J

    advance filter

    not sure how you want the data/result, but if you just want to view those specific records, i would select the cells with the field names and enable filtering. then you can go to the Stock In Date field and set the desired filter. if you want specific rows that meet this date range somewhere...
  14. J

    Combination and Multi Layer Chart

    uploading a sample would be ideal.... it should be possible, but soley depends on the data/layout
  15. J

    How do you make multiple evaluations in one formula?

    ....attached worksheet?
  16. J

    vlookup does not solve the purpose

    What is in the 3rd column of your 'TableArray' (B3:AB3) if i am following your formula correctly, it will start in B3 and try to find the value in IV1. because you are spcifinig False (exact match) if b3 does not contain the same value that you are looking for, the function will not be able to...
  17. J

    Can I write an 'or' statement in a pivot filter?

    we like to have fun with one another.... AND (i dont know how to do the fancy Bold formatting) help eachother out! (i was waiting to learn more about the layout and give my shot at the helper column/pivot setup.
  18. J

    Formula Help

    do you have related info in the surronding columns? any by "find all the rows" do you mean, see them (formatting), just see those rows (filter), extract those row/cells to a new location? please give a little more info on what you want the result to be/look like as this will drive the...
  19. J

    Can I write an 'or' statement in a pivot filter?

    i think you're wrong!... but mainly just so i could say that BOBHC was wrong. either would sufice be more helpful.... both would be ideal of course
  20. J

    Macro Vlookup - two sheets

    i cant view your file due to work restrictions, but are you wanting a vlookup or a macro that contains a vlookup?
  21. J

    Conditional formatting to identify unique values by row

    try something like =IF(NOT(A2=B2))
  22. J

    Multiple rows into one row

    how many letters (A, B, C) could there be? now many numbers (one, two, etc)?? do you want the result to be all in one cell or in diff. columns in the same row?
  23. J

    Can I write an 'or' statement in a pivot filter?

    can you give an example 'or' upload a sample? (see what i did there?)
  24. J

    Renaming of days in a spreadsheet

    ....why does it appear that all of our times are different !?!?!? HAHAHAHAH
  25. J

    Renaming of days in a spreadsheet

    i've done that...but im questioning the second row.... it shows as 4:48am to 3:36am; which would make it 1a +-23hr period... just want to confirm this rather than assume and then end up with a useless formula. Hui: thats what im trying to setup/workout