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  1. Y

    autofilter multiple columns is giving me a headache

    this is the reason why debugging is so important... my data range field includes the header....that was the issue... unbelievable........ tjhanks for your help
  2. Y

    autofilter multiple columns is giving me a headache

    Thank you. I have the column number tagged in public constant. here is the public constant code: I will try to extract a sample data size. Public Const calcOuputFilePath = "S:\Monthly Revenue Achievement" ' Rev Achievement location Public Const strPSRTemplate = "Monthly Revenue Achievement...
  3. Y

    autofilter multiple columns is giving me a headache

    hello I need someone help. I have the below autofilter in my code and for some reason it doesn't like the multiple conditions. I walked through the code by checking each criteria seperately and it works but together they do not. It filters the data but the informatino is blank. What possibly...
  4. Y

    file format error message

    Thank you Hui. I found a workaround. I did not use the copy sheet command. I just copied the ranges into the template instead. I appreciate your help.
  5. Y

    file format error message

    Hello, I have the following code created in excel 2007 but the file is saved in excel 97-2003 format: reportName = fileNamePrefix & " - " & currMthStr & " - " & psrFirstNameStr & " " & psrLastNameStr & ".xls" I believe the error comes from the below code where I copy and paste certain...
  6. Y

    copy and paste ws into new wb

    Hui, I know this is not the most efficient way to do this code but I got it to work: With Application .ScreenUpdating = False ' Copy specific sheets ' *SET THE SHEET NAMES TO COPY BELOW* ' Array("Sheet Name", "Another sheet name", "And Another")) ' Sheet names go inside...
  7. Y

    copy and paste ws into new wb

    Thanks Hui. I am getting an error message. I will try to do a workaround. I will let you know what i come up with. Thanks
  8. Y

    copy and paste ws into new wb

    I have the following code that is part of a long vba code, where it copies and paste two worksheets into new workbook. One of the sheet, I want to copy and paste special value and the other, I just want to copy as is. This is part of my code: With Application .ScreenUpdating = False '...
  9. Y

    General vba procedural question

    and here is the template. just trying to see if there is a way i can clean up my process. Too many copy and paste
  10. Y

    General vba procedural question

    I forgot to attach the file and code: Option Explicit Public Const calcOuputFilePath = "S:\Monthly Incentive Calculator" ' calculator location Public Const strTemplate = "Monthly Incentive Calculator Template.xls" ' template location Public Const psrEMPLIDIndex = 1 Sub generateReports() Dim i...
  11. Y

    General vba procedural question

    I have a general vba question. the attached VBA code is somewhat cumbersome and can be simplified which I am working on now. Need direction. If I was to add the template to the generator file, can i then extract only the template sheet and save it as a new worksheet with the defined parameter...
  12. Y

    save as password protected workbook

    thank you Hui. Worked.!!
  13. Y

    save as password protected workbook

    hello all. I am going to be modifying my process and codes later but in the meantime i need help with this quirk. i am generating individual workbooks based on UID and placing them in a seperate directory. While the workbook is being saved, I want to password protect the workbook based on...
  14. Y

    User selection and generator

    Thanks for your suggestion Smallman and I am going to work on modifying the process. I do believe the steps are cumbersome. Thank you very muhc.
  15. Y

    User selection and generator

    To all, I have a generator that filters based on PSR name and copies to a template. Does anyone know of a resource, where a userbox will show up with the names and then I can select the name I want to generate. As the code stands now, if i hit the generatoreprts macro, all 89 reports will...
  16. Y

    Normalize Data from table

    I have a table that i need normalized. I know how to convert it to pivot and normalize it that way but i would rather use vba because I have 2007 and i have to do extra steps in order to normalize it with excel 2007 pivot. if i had 2010 or newer, it would be simpler using pivot. Attach is the...
  17. Y

    Distribution Grid

    Thank both of you and WOW. I need to use lookup more often. Never knew this formula is this powerful. can it be use with other lookup formulas such as index, vlookup, sumproduct, etc.
  18. Y

    Distribution Grid

    I have a distribution as below: I have a formula in VBA that looks at a distribution grid and i need the RPF that falls within in it. I don't want to do it via VBA but formula. Can someone help? For instance, if someone has 93%, then for RPF i want it to display 0%. I have attached an excel file...
  19. Y

    Hyperlink folder directory

    Thank you Hui. I see where i might have missed the information. I missed the counter/loop in the hyperlink. Thanks
  20. Y

    Hyperlink folder directory

    To all how are you? I have the following macro that loops through a directory and lists the folder in each directory. What I am trying to do also is each folder that is listed, also creates a hyperlink in the excel file to the folder. Everything is working except the hyperlink. Can someone help...
  21. Y

    conditional formatting

    i tried the countif and it still not working. i don't know what could possibly be wrong.
  22. Y

    conditional formatting

    did not work Misra
  23. Y

    conditional formatting

    Can someone please check the file to see why my conditional formatting is not working. The tab in question is "Bishop,Jennifer Roach" I am trying to underline referral source that are unique. I know it is something simple but I tried almost everything and having a rough time at it. Here is...
  24. Y

    copy paste special value

    Excuse me for my ignorance Naraya but how do i do a Worksheet_Change event procedure? Can you direct me to a link that explains for my education and how to apply it in this instance? Thank you again.
  25. Y

    copy paste special value

    One last thing. On the drop down validation list, how can i make it go to the first data in the list? I have the following sub function: Sub DropDown1047_Change() Range("Selected_City") = 1 End Sub But it only works on form controls and not data validation. Regards