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Search results

  1. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    I have a matrix of cells in columns and rows. Each cell contains a number in percentage format - some positive and some negative. These numbers are entered manually as they originate from another worksheet. The cells all have a background color entered manually (currently only two: green and...
  2. B

    Find old thread

    Back in April I asked several questions which you answered to my satisfaction. Now I'm trying to revisit this thread but do not know how to get back to my original question. Is there a way to search by my name for all questions and answers?
  3. B

    Averageif formula

    Thank you mercatog. It works like a "champ".
  4. B

    Averageif formula

    Thanks Faseeh: Guess I didn't state my problem clearly enough. I have a several rows containing a combination of positive and negative numbers. Each row terminates with two columns: one column contains the average of the positive numbers and the next column contains the average of the...
  5. B

    Averageif formula

    I have a row of numbers, both positive and negative. I want to average the positive numbers and separately average the negative numbers. This works fine until I come to a row of numbers where none are positive and I get a #DIV/0! error message because none of the numbers in the range meet the...
  6. B

    Can an IF function be based on the color of a cell?

    I have cells that are either green, blue or gray in color. Is it possible to have an IF function dependendent on whether the cell color is green or not green (i.e., give one result if green or a second result if either blue or gray)?
  7. B

    Compound subtotals

    Thank you Hui, In this case, I'm seeking the compounded daily changes. I don't know how to post an Excel file here, so this is an excerpt/copy: Nasdaq-100 Daily Chg. (^NDX) Not Date Open Signal Compounded Thursday, March 29, 2012...
  8. B

    Compound subtotals

    For a column of numbers (which in this case happen to be percentages), how can I obtain subtotals that are compounded; i.e., if I have a subtotal for each new number, how can I make that subtotal be the compounded total? Does an Excel function exist (or some conbination of functions) which will...
  9. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    Narayan We don't need the COUNT or MAX. We just need SUM and MIN. Can't imagine any other functions that would improve our worksheet. You have been a wonderful help. Thanks. Blair
  10. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    With your help I'm now able to calculate the sum of cells based on the background color of the cell. I would now like to determine the maximum and minimum values for each cell color. Possible?
  11. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    Is it possible to use a "min" or "max" formula with the UDF you gave me to sum color coded cells? Blair
  12. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    Thank you NARAYANK991. Your help and explanation has solved my problem. Blair
  13. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    Luke Thanks for your UDF formula in answer to my question about calculating the sum of color coded cells in a row. What I didn't tell you was that the color codes I use are determined and inserted manually, not by formula. Your formula does just what I wanted. You warned me that changing the...
  14. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    Thanks for your help. It'll take me a while to try this out but I'm sure it will do what I want. Thanks again Blair
  15. B

    Can I use conditional formatting to solve my problem?

    I have a table containing several columns and several rows of numerical data. Some cells are highlighted in either a blue or gray background color (fill) and the other cells have no background color (fill). I would like to calculate the sum of each row: 1. Sum of cells not highlighted...