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  1. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Last Question, Do you always been to build a dynamic range for each series or is it possible to build a dynamic range that finds the rows and column together for the data source? Thanks for the help!
  2. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Narayan, I found the chart source references. I can see that I was looking at the chart data source, not the series. The name ranges uses the rows and counta, so I get it now. Thanks
  3. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Narayan, Yes, that is what I am looking to do. Thanks. I can see you created an offset formula for each part separately. One thing that confuses me is when I check the chart's data source, I don't see any reference to the name ranges? Thank you, Brent
  4. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    I did some more work on it, but stuck for now. I entered the formula from John Peltier's site, but I have the series jacked up. here is my sample file to explain a little better. Thanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/xzfbp53259af6jm/EE%20dyanmic%20chart%20range.xlsm
  5. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Hello, Still an error with ,3)) My chart is on a different page, so I'll need to include the sheet name along with offset. Just figured that out. I found a link on chandoo about this, but slightly different. I am going to figure out if I can post a example workbook. I am pretty close to...
  6. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Luke, I can't sure the entire row or column as a reference because of how my worksheet is laid out now. I won't have more than 3 columns, but my list grows down (I add more dates). I tried John's formula also, which is a bit different with earlier verison. I get the idea, but I get an error...
  7. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    This sounds familiar. I just watched it on my excel school with Chandoo. I'll have to go back and watch it again, I believe he covered this in nice detail. Again, Thanks
  8. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Okay, I'll read the link. Funny, I searched his site for answer, but did not know what I was looking for. Thanks.
  9. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Okay. Just to be clear, I need to insert the Offset into my array formula? =IFERROR(INDEX(B$2:B$13,SMALL(IF(A$2:A$13=J$1,ROW(A$2:A$13)-ROW(A$2)+1),ROWS(F$3:F3))),"") thanks for the quick reply. Brent
  10. bvanscoy678

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Hello, My chart is fed by Array Formula which shows a dynamic list in my chart. I have tried changing "" to N/A to show N/A in the formula, but it also ends up as a category. There are places on my X axis even though there are no values, just the formulas. I have tried the formatting to the...