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Search results

  1. P

    printing 2 more sets of filtered data on same sheet

    i am talking about the same range of data. from the same range, i am filtering 2 sets.
  2. P

    printing 2 more sets of filtered data on same sheet

    its working. but if i have 2 set of filtered data, what should i do
  3. P

    printing 2 more sets of filtered data on same sheet

    dear luke, thanx for the info. it has been of partial help. the camera is not taking filtered data. is there any other alternative.
  4. P

    printing 2 more sets of filtered data on same sheet

    while filtering the data , is it possible to print 2 or more different sets of filtered data on the same sheet without copying the set of data
  5. P

    how to increase drop down box in filtering

    how can i increase the size of my drop down box in filtering
  6. P

    expressing a cell from another reference

    is it possible to express a cell ,say a2, by using a1 only. eg if i want a2+b1-c1 , i can write as... a(1+1)+b1-c1. kindly help
  7. P

    Inserting rows with formula from rows down

    but if extra rows are deleted there is problem
  8. P

    Inserting rows with formula from rows down

    thanks a lot for your prompt reply. but thing is that i need to keep on copying data from my online account. hence sorting will not be the solution. I am givivng an example : data in online a/c trans date trans id cheque no. debit credit balance 28/5/12...
  9. P

    Inserting rows with formula from rows down

    if i download my bank statement , it gives data in descending order. so how can i insert rows with formulae from rows down. can this be done using vba program