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Search results

  1. P

    sorting selected rows in a table

    hi , Is it possible to sort some selected rows in a table. eg say in the table i have row 1 sl no date item row 2 1 12/5/13 a row 3 2 15/5/13 b row 4 3 10/5/13 a row 5 4 14/5/13 c i have selected row...
  2. P

    extracting numbers from text

    but I need to find the quantity in the next cell . hence i will need a formula to multiply 22 and 45
  3. P

    extracting numbers from text

    dear all, i want to extract the numbers from a given text. the text is of this form 22 boxes X 45 pcs 17 bags X 12 rolls 14 c/b x 500 r i need to get 22 and 45 from 1 st example and similarly 17& 12 from second and 14 & 500 from third. what can be the formula ?
  4. P

    changing formula in middle of excel table

    how can i change a formula in middle of an excel table so that new rows will have the changed formula. (previous rows should not be affected) rgds
  5. P

    beginning letters as display trigger in drop down using data validation

    dear kaushik, say i created a drop down list of days using data validation. Now if i type few words (in the cell which has the data validation) say "su",is it possible that the list in data validation narrow the choices and show only sunday.
  6. P

    beginning letters as display trigger in drop down using data validation

    Is it possible to make the beginning letters act as display trigger in drop down box made using data validation
  7. P

    getting location of a number in array

    dear narayan, this is of great help. thanx a lot.
  8. P

    getting location of a number in array

    dear narayan, there is an array with numbers. (the set of numbers in array will come from numbers which are close to LCM of 2 numbers). for example in the file which i have uploaded , the numbers are coming from the LCM of numbers close to 72 and 50 (in a1 and b1 respectively) in that...
  9. P

    getting location of a number in array

    dear narayan, its working but problem seems to be with the file. Any entry in this file and the office excel stops working I tried this in a new sheet and again the same problem
  10. P

    getting location of a number in array

    dear all, i want to get location of some numbers in array. how can this be done. One way will be using conditional formatting but i would like to have the location of cells from which these numbers are coming. given below is the link to the file...
  11. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    dear luke ,bobh7 and sir jb7, sorry for troubling you all. actually i have got what i wanted. What i was doing was ----trying to copy paste the cell in which the formula was there instead of copying the formula and pasting. i thank you all for your help.
  12. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    in conditional formatting forumla text box it will work. But my question is data validation.
  13. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    as i have mentioned , the formula is working fine. my only query is --- is it possible if i can write such big formula in cell and than copy paste in source in data validation.
  14. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    this is the formula and it is working fine. since the formula is big and the space in source (in data validation) is small , i just want to know is it possible to copy paste this formula in the source if i write it in a cell OFFSET(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","_")&SUBSTITUTE(B2,"...
  15. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    thanx bobhc for your prompt reply. But how is this done. I have tried but this is not happening
  16. P

    how to paste a formula in source in data validation

    kindly help me in this . I have a big formula to write in the source in data validation. Is it possible to write the formula in a cell and than copy paste it in the source in data validation
  17. P

    finding location of a number in an array

    thanx sp, this is of great help. Can u just explain me how is it working
  18. P

    finding location of a number in an array

    dear muneer, say, we have the following numbers in the array 3 14 17 2 13 61 4 15 20 5 12 18 how can i search for a particular number in the array for example i want to get the location of 12 in this array
  19. P

    finding location of a number in an array

    How can I get location of a number in an array.
  20. P

    Dynamic criteria range in advanced filter

    how can i make my criteria range dynamic in advanced filter.
  21. P

    Formatting numbers in Indian style

    how can i format numbers in the range 0 to 10 crores in indian style eg representing 1 lakh as 1,00,000.00 or 1 cr as 1,00,00,000.00. Custom format can take only 2 conditions eg [>99999]##,##,##0.00;[>999] ##,##0.00 ;##0.00 works fine If i add one more condition like [>9999999]...
  22. P

    active rows in table feature of excel

    it was helpful. thanks a lot
  23. P

    active rows in table feature of excel

    is it possible to calculate the number of active rows in table feature of excel. actually i have to add all the values in a particular column in 1st row of my table (something like sum(a:a)) so count forumla will not help. also i don't want to use A:A because chance of error will be there if...
  24. P


  25. P

    cannot change page orientation from portrait to landscape

    I am unable to change page orientation from portrait to landscape in excel 2007 in a shared printer whereas when i use the printer directly i am able to change the orientation. In word 2007 , though , i am able to change the orientation in sharing as well. What can be the reason .