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  1. tarynmahon

    SUMPRODUCT using not equal (it wont let me type the symbol) instead of =

    Dont worry, figured it out, I had to use the * instead of the +
  2. tarynmahon

    SUMPRODUCT using not equal (it wont let me type the symbol) instead of =

    How do you use the <> in a SUMPRODUCT please, I thought I could just replace the = with <> but it's not returning the correct result. Please see example =SUMPRODUCT(--('[LIS New Sales.xlsx]Jan12'!$C:$C="N"),--('[LIS New Sales.xlsx]Jan12'!$O:$O="INTERNET")+--('[LIS New...
  3. tarynmahon

    Need to reduce file size

    I have already tried copying and pasting into a new file and still no joy, also SirJB7 basically you're just telling me to post a sample file?
  4. tarynmahon

    Need to reduce file size

    Pardon my rudeness but either I've misunderstood what you have said to me or you just haven't read my message at all?!
  5. tarynmahon

    Need to reduce file size

    The one I'm having trouble with is 8,301KB, its a bit strange because I have another file that is 20474KB that I do not have trouble with. What I have been doing has been reducing the size but it's still too slow
  6. tarynmahon

    Need to reduce file size

    I've also removed all filters
  7. tarynmahon

    Need to reduce file size

    I'm trying everything possible to reduce the size of my files as it takes so long to open and crashes other peoples machines when they use it, I have already pasted as values so absolutely no formulas are in here at all, I have deleted all rows and columns to the bottom and right of my work on...
  8. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    That's what I was going to go with but I cant work out how to include it within my formula as it returns a zero value and nobody could offer any advise other than SirJB7 with this other formula Please can you help, my formula was; =SUM(IF((B4:B13="ADD-ON")*(C4:C13="Supplier...
  9. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    I dont know if its my computer or not but I've just tried to copy the formula down in D2 and its crashed my machine, any other ideas please?
  10. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    Can I really just not get this formula to use the concatenated reference instead of the 3 referrence it currently uses? I feel this should be easy to just replace with one instead of three, no? =SUM(IF((B4:B13="ADD-ON")*(C4:C13="Supplier...
  11. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    Im sorry, I feel Im a bit out of my depth, I really dont know where to start. Can you confirm whats in columns A & B please? =IFERROR(INDEX(A$2:A$6,MATCH(0,COUNTIF(D$1:D1,A$2:A$6),0)),"") =IF(D2="","",COUNTIFS(A$2:A$6,D2,B$2:B$6,E$1))
  12. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    Also, my other formula is instant in returning a result it just makes the workbook too big to open for anyone using a lower spec PC than me
  13. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    Basically Im trying to find out how many customers that bought car insurance policies with us also took out additional extras, such as Breakdown cover, Legal cover etc. Unfortunately the source data that I have gives me rows and rows of data so for instance, 1 customer could have 5 rows of...
  14. tarynmahon

    NARAYANK991 - Help please on a formula you gave me

    Yes, thats the one that Montrey was referring to, I've responded to your answer in"Thinking outside the box"
  15. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    unfortunately I am unable to look at dropbox as my company restricts file sharing sites. I have already done a simple =A1&B1&B2 formula to give me "InceptionADONWeb" in the source data, I now need another formula in a different workbook to look up this concatenated column and only give me a...
  16. tarynmahon

    NARAYANK991 - Help please on a formula you gave me

    Hi, I have been using the formula you gave me in my post titled "Count unique values if Multiple Criteria are met ?" but unfortunately it is slowing up my workbook too much for other people to use, I have been given the advice to concatenate my 3 criteria which I can see would probably help but...
  17. tarynmahon

    Not Excel but does anyone know please? WINZIP

    Firstly, my post said that my file had dissapeared so I do not have a sample file, Secondly, my question is very generic eg. how do you make a xlsb file that has no formulas or formatting of any kind in it smaller in size, and third, I am restricted by my company like many people that post on...
  18. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    I get what your saying but how do I get my formula to only return for one instance, eg. my formula now is; =SUM(IF('[SDL Sales.xlsb]Sep12'!$AN$12:$AN$11952="InceptionADONWeb",1/COUNTIFS('[SDL Sales.xlsb]Sep12'!$AN$12:$AN$11952,"InceptionADONWeb",'[SDL Sales.xlsb]Sep12'!$B$12:$B$11952,'[SDL...
  19. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    Perhaps I should try to prep the source data rather than doing too much in the formula... On that basis, is there anyway of working out the following; COL A,COL B CLIENT REF,PRODUCT Client1,PC Client1,ADON Client1,ADON Client2,PC Client2,ADON PC is a motor insurance policy, ADON is if...
  20. tarynmahon

    Not Excel but does anyone know please? WINZIP

    As I say, absolutely no formulas or cell referrencing is in here, just a lot of data, 7 tabs with roughly 35000 lines of text/numbers in each tab. Thanks anyway
  21. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    =IFERROR((SUM(IF((Criteria1="ADON")*(Criteria2="Web")*(Criteria3="Inception"),1/COUNTIFS(Criteria1,"ADON",Criteria2,"Inception",Criteria3,"Web",Criteria4,Criteria4)),0))/E10,0) Hopefully easier to understand?
  22. tarynmahon

    Thinking outside the box???

    I have a formula =IFERROR((SUM(IF(('H:BDMLMarketing CISMITarynSDLFiles to open[SDL Sales.xlsb]Apr12'!$N$12:$N$9236="ADON")*('H:BDMLMarketing CISMITarynSDLFiles to open[SDL Sales.xlsb]Apr12'!$AH$12:$AH$9236="Web")*('H:BDMLMarketing CISMITarynSDLFiles to open[SDL...
  23. tarynmahon

    Not Excel but does anyone know please? WINZIP

    My file was already a xlsb, there are no formulas or pictures or graphs in there, I've deleted all unused lines and columns I dont know what else I can do, it's 20,474KB which I thought was massive until I started researching and came across most people have MB which is bigger? It just takes so...
  24. tarynmahon

    Not Excel but does anyone know please? WINZIP

    I was trying to make an Excel file smaller and found online the download WINZIP, I put my file into WINZIP and then moved it back into the original folder but half way through doing this I realised WINZIP hadnt actually made it any smaller therefore I just cancelled the save into the original...
  25. tarynmahon

    DATA VALIDATION LIST- IF true, Different List if False???

    No, I need 3 different lists of information, sorry my post title wasnt very helpful. to clarify; IF A1= X1 Return X2:X50 IF A1= Y1 Return Y2:Y50 IF A1= Z1 Return Z2:Z50, IF NOT RETURN ERROR I hope that helps