this is the reason why debugging is so important... my data range field includes the header....that was the issue...
tjhanks for your help
Thank you. I have the column number tagged in public constant. here is the public constant code: I will try to extract a sample data size.
Public Const calcOuputFilePath = "S:\Monthly Revenue Achievement" ' Rev Achievement location
Public Const strPSRTemplate = "Monthly Revenue Achievement...
I need someone help. I have the below autofilter in my code and for some reason it doesn't like the multiple conditions. I walked through the code by checking each criteria seperately and it works but together they do not. It filters the data but the informatino is blank. What possibly...
I have the following code created in excel 2007 but the file is saved in excel 97-2003 format:
reportName = fileNamePrefix & " - " & currMthStr & " - " & psrFirstNameStr & " " & psrLastNameStr & ".xls"
I believe the error comes from the below code where I copy and paste certain...
I know this is not the most efficient way to do this code but I got it to work:
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
' Copy specific sheets
' Array("Sheet Name", "Another sheet name", "And Another"))
' Sheet names go inside...
I have the following code that is part of a long vba code, where it copies and paste two worksheets into new workbook. One of the sheet, I want to copy and paste special value and the other, I just want to copy as is. This is part of my code:
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
I forgot to attach the file and code:
Option Explicit
Public Const calcOuputFilePath = "S:\Monthly Incentive Calculator" ' calculator location
Public Const strTemplate = "Monthly Incentive Calculator Template.xls" ' template location
Public Const psrEMPLIDIndex = 1
Sub generateReports()
Dim i...
I have a general vba question. the attached VBA code is somewhat cumbersome and can be simplified which I am working on now. Need direction. If I was to add the template to the generator file, can i then extract only the template sheet and save it as a new worksheet with the defined parameter...
hello all.
I am going to be modifying my process and codes later but in the meantime i need help with this quirk.
i am generating individual workbooks based on UID and placing them in a seperate directory. While the workbook is being saved, I want to password protect the workbook based on...
To all,
I have a generator that filters based on PSR name and copies to a template. Does anyone know of a resource, where a userbox will show up with the names and then I can select the name I want to generate. As the code stands now, if i hit the generatoreprts macro, all 89 reports will...
I have a table that i need normalized. I know how to convert it to pivot and normalize it that way but i would rather use vba because I have 2007 and i have to do extra steps in order to normalize it with excel 2007 pivot. if i had 2010 or newer, it would be simpler using pivot.
Attach is the...
Thank both of you and WOW. I need to use lookup more often. Never knew this formula is this powerful. can it be use with other lookup formulas such as index, vlookup, sumproduct, etc.
I have a distribution as below: I have a formula in VBA that looks at a distribution grid and i need the RPF that falls within in it. I don't want to do it via VBA but formula. Can someone help? For instance, if someone has 93%, then for RPF i want it to display 0%. I have attached an excel file...
To all how are you? I have the following macro that loops through a directory and lists the folder in each directory. What I am trying to do also is each folder that is listed, also creates a hyperlink in the excel file to the folder. Everything is working except the hyperlink. Can someone help...
Can someone please check the file to see why my conditional formatting is not working. The tab in question is "Bishop,Jennifer Roach"
I am trying to underline referral source that are unique.
I know it is something simple but I tried almost everything and having a rough time at it.
Here is...
Excuse me for my ignorance Naraya but how do i do a Worksheet_Change event procedure? Can you direct me to a link that explains for my education and how to apply it in this instance?
Thank you again.
One last thing. On the drop down validation list, how can i make it go to the first data in the list?
I have the following sub function:
Sub DropDown1047_Change()
Range("Selected_City") = 1
End Sub
But it only works on form controls and not data validation.